Highfolk Trade Route

When realms seek to capitalize on their own natural resources, they can trade food and strategic resources, as well as mana, gold, spells, artifacts, or captured prisoners. These trades are instant, but may be affected by the route they take, who delivers the goods, opposing Raiding attempts, or other factors determined by your DM. Note that when trading spells, the player who provides a spell is only providing the research necessary and does not lose the spell for their own use.   When two realms not at war want to generate additional gold per season they can agree to a TRADE ROUTE.   To set up a trade route, both players decide on one of their luxury resources to exchange that the receiving player doesn't already possess. Players can set up multiple routes with the same player, but each route can only exchange one luxury resource for one other luxury resource.   Add the value of both resources using the Trade Routes table to determine the value of the route. At the start of each new season, both players gain gold equal to the value of the trade route.   Resources exchanged by a trade route cannot be included in subsequent routes.   You can make a Diplomacy (Trade) check on your own turn to gain gold equal to the value of the trade route. The DC for this check equals 10+ the route's value.


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