House Garasteth


The House of Garasteth is feared for its wizards and scholars, its eldritch secrets. They are hard, cold, and cruel, less interested in temporal power than the pursuit of knowledge and their role as the self-proclaimed guardians of Oeridian culture. They founded and continue to control the city of Rel Astra, and Lord Mikar of Garasteth was the first grand prince of the Kingdom of Aerdy, though the throne had moved to the possession of the House of Cranden by the time the nation became known as the Great Kingdom. In 102 CY they laid claim to the Sea Barons and nearly went to war with House Atirr over them. Famous members of the family include Drax.


One of the most bitter feuds in Aerdy's politics has been between the houses of Garasteth and Torquann.


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