
Huhueteotl is the Olman god who embodies the flow of time and the destructive side of fire. His symbol is an image of himself.   Huhueteotl is a demonic creature, a humanoid with a fierce alligator-like head, dressed in armor made of red gems. Flames crackle around him, completely enshrouding his body.   Deities & Demigods (1980) says that all of the Central American gods dwell on a parallel Prime Material Plane. The Scarlet Brotherhood (1999) says that the Olman gods were originally worshipped on a parallel campaign world, while the errata for that book (originally available on the TSR website) says that they still dwell there.   Huhueteotl demands many sacrifices of his powers and does not hesitate before punishing them with bolts of flame.   Priests of Huhueteotl are hot-tempered and quick to act. They dislike waiting, but excel at drawing fiery emotions from soldiers. As a result, many serve in the military. They customarily wear cherry red leather armor, and may wear jeweled headdresses on ceremonial occasions. As with most Olman priests, priests of Huhueteotl must choose a direction to pray to at the beginning of their careers. Clerics of the east wear red, clerics of the south wear yellow, clerics of the west wear black, and clerics of the north wear white.   Huhueteotl is worshipped on active volcanoes, when possible.   Precious metals, gems, fabrics, and human beings are sacrificed to Huhueteotl on the night of the waning moon by being thrown into active volcanoes. Every 52 years, Huhueteotl requires a special sacrifice of gems, feathered robes, and humans, or he will stop time.   The public is required to attend every ritual, held at the temple of the appropriate god.


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