
Iallanis is the goddess of love, forgiveness, mercy, and beauty in the giant pantheon. Her symbol is a garland of flowers.   Iallanis appears as a graceful giant, 25' in height with fair skin. She wears a short green dress from which grows living flowers. She is always bare-legged and bare-footed.   Iallanis is a daughter of Annam and the younger sister of Hiatea. She is an ally of the swanmay goddess Fionnghuala. Her other siblings and half-siblings include Diancastra, Grolantor, Karontor, Shax, Skoraeus Stonebones, Stronmaus, Surtr, and Thrym. Memnor and Vaprak are also sometimes named as her relatives. Beautiful, loving Iallanis is one of her father's favorite children.   Iallanis has a realm called Florallium, which can be found on Arborea. Florallium is a place of quiet gardens and crystal springs. It is a neutral place where terms of peace can be arranged. It is said that when the Seldarine drove the other giant gods out of the plane they allowed Iallanis to remain, as she stayed by the hearth instead of fighting. They don't respect her, though, as they do her warlike brothers and sisters.   Mercy is to be honored above all else, save the gods themselves. Beauty is to be honored above all else save the gods and mercy. Punishment will naturally come to those who do evil and rewards will naturally come to those who do good. "Kindness is the milk of might; passion is the milk of life."   Iallanis has worshippers among the cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, firbolgs, and voadkyn.   Iallanis will accept any good-aligned true giant into her priesthood, treating every race as equal to the others. She would treat giant-kin such as firbolgs, fomorians, verbeegs, and voadkyn as equals as well, but this was forbidden by her father; thus, they are limited to places of lower status in her clerical hierarchy. Her clerics strive to bring the whole of giantkind into the ways of good, to show mercy to all, and to cooperate with other good creatures. Her clerics and shamans are expected to become happily married if they are to attain high rank. She sends omens to her priests in the form of floral scents, tinkling sounds, and similar gentle, pleasant events. Clerics of Iallanis concentrate on uniting the races of giantkind, bringing mercy and absolution to those who need it, and creating beautiful things. They forgo worldly possessions beyond those they require to do their duties.   Clerics of Iallanis say prayers over every gift or meal they receive. They conduct nearly all marriage ceremonies among the giants, even those involving evil giants and priests of evil deities. Every year, on the first day of Growfest, Iallanis's priests assemble for a grand revelry. If possible, one or more marriages are performed at the climax of the event.

Goddess of love, romance, forgiveness, mercy, beauty, and peace Lesser goddess

Alignment: Neutral Good

Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun

Symbol: Garland of flowers


Iallanis (pronounced EE-uh-lan-is) is the goddess of love, forgiveness, mercy, and beauty who never turns away a giant of good nature or who has repented their evil from her flock. She despises no part of her father's creation and her ultimate ambition is to reunite the giants in harmony. She is said to have a close friendship with Fionnghuala the swanmay goddess, although why this is so is unknown. Among giant races, she is particularly beloved among cloud and storm giants, small groups of firbolg, and a scattering of voadkyn, but she is also accepted among stone giants for her fairness of face and kindness of being.


Iallanis often stands in the shadows of her older sister Hiatea. Certainly her birth is said in myth to follow Annam's acceptance of his eldest daughter and consequent willingness to allow female offspring subsequently. Iallanis is one of her father's favorite children, and was introduced to the Jotunbrud and their struggles while still an adolescent. She assumed her spot in the Ordning shortly thereafter.


Iallanis often dispatches an avatar to celebrate an occasion of great joy and delight among the Jotunbrud: the wedding of a chieftain or king, the consecration of a great temple or magnificent building, the completion of a grand work of art, or the end of a war. She sometimes sends omens to her faithful in the form of tinkling winds, pleasant scents, rare flowers, and similar gentle signs.


The realm of Iallanis is Florallium, a place of quiet gardens and crystal springs located in Arvandor, the first layer of Arborea. When the elven deities arrived in Arborea and challenged the giant deities, they took the plane in a titanic battle, and the giant deities fled to the lands of Ysgard that the elven deities had abandoned. Because Iallanis had stayed at the hearth-side when her siblings went to war, she was allowed to remain in Arvandor. However, although the glory-seeking elven gods didn't toss her out when they drove the others out, they don't much respect her either. By unspoken consent, Florallium has become neutral territory for the deities and petitioners of Jotunheim, a place where peace can be negotiated in times of conflict and joyful occasions can be celebrated in quieter times.


Charm Person: Iallanis can cast charm person or giant at will. All victims of this ability save at -4, except for giants, who save at -8.

Earthy Barefoot Character: As with many other love goddesses, Iallanis is recognizable for always being bare legged and bare footed.

Garden Garment: Iallanis appears as a graceful, fair-skinned giantess wearing a short green dress from which living flowers grow.

Goddess of Good: As the giant goddess of love and mercy, Iallanis turns away no giant who is of good nature or who has repented their evil. She will accept any good-aligned true giant as a priest or shaman on equal terms, and would even accept giant-kin as equals if given her choice, but her father and Stronmaus have both forbidden such a policy as a violation of the ordning. She ever seeks to reunite all of the Jotunbrud in harmony, and her priests chiefly concern themselves with uniting the Jotunbrud into the fold of good, dispersing mercy and absolution to those in need, creating things of beauty, and cooperating with all other good creatures.

Good Old Fisticuffs: Her favored weapon is an unarmed strike or slam. Certain sources instead listed her favored weapon as a battleaxe, but this This example contains a TRIVIA entry. It should be moved to the TRIVIA tab.was actually a mistake made by writer Sean K. Reynolds, which he has since explained and corrected.

Love Goddess: Iallanis is the giant goddess of love, and her priests conduct nearly all of the marriage ceremonies that take place between two members of the Jotunbrud, even those involving priests of other deities or giants of evil alignment. Each year, on the first day of spring, all of Iallanis' priests assemble in one of the giant steadings for a grand revelry. If possible, a marriage is performed at the height of this celebration. Since a marriage performed under these circumstances is considered a great honor among the Jotunbrud, most of the important members of Jotunbrud wait until the spring ceremony to wed.

Odd Friendship: She has a close friendship with the swanmay goddess Fionnghuala for an unknown reason.

Truce Zone: Her realm serves as neutral territory for the deities and petitioners of Jotunheim, where peace can be negotiated in times of conflict and joyful occasions can be celebrated in quieter times.



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