
Katay is the Touv god of Decay, Inevitability, Order, and Time. His symbol is a copper disk. Katay is the inventor of the Touv Calendar, and records all events on a metallic wheel given to him by Xanag.   Katay is depicted as an elderly man with young eyes, wearing a decaying animal pelt and carrying a great copper disk inscribed with Touv runes   Katay is the son of Breeka, born without a father.   The Touv deities are the spirits of the land itself, and so dwell on the Prime Material Plane (according to the Scarlet Brotherhood FAQ by Sean K. Reynolds, originally published on the TSR website).   Katay represents the relentless cycle of birth, rot, and death in the realm of his mother, the goddess of living things, as well as the time that tugs on all.   Katay's priests are the record keepers of the Touv, recording births and deaths, weather, and other important events. They preside over funerals and births and uphold the laws. Their favored weapon is the dagger, and they can also be found wielding chakrams, short bows, spears, and staffs. They wear old animal pelts and carry copper disks.

Son of Breeka




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