Kundo Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Kundo is the Touv god of Building, Noise, Music, and Defense. His symbol is an ornate but functional shield or breastplate.   Kundo is the union of storm and metal, a loud and boisterous guardian god obsessed with building and construction. He is the sound of metal on metal, or the roar of the summer rains on the roofs of shelters, or the happy songs sung by those who build and protect. He is depicted as a laughing Touv man carrying a great shield and a cluster of saplings.   Kundo is the son of Xanag, goddess of metals, and Vogan, god of rain and storms. Xanag's beauty entranced Vogan. Damaran infested Kundo's home with crawling things soon after the creeping demigod's creation, but fled when Kundo confronted him.   Like all the Touv powers, Kundo is a spirit that dwells on the Material Plane rather than in the Outer Planes.   Kundo's followers are expected to protect the weak and save those in danger.   Priests and shamans of Kundo build shelters for the poor, teach traditional songs, and strive to protect their people from all dangers. Their favored weapon is the short sword, and they may also wield the atl-atl, chakram, short bow, and staff. They are required to wear shields; these must be ornate but functional, and also serve as their holy symbols.   The creation of the moons It is said that Kundo built two great disks, one to honor his mother Xanag and one to honor his grandmother Nola. These disks, the aquamarine disk Koxanag and the larger, silver disk Konola, were placed in the sky so that all could remember Nola's light and beauty while the sun goddess slept. Katay, god of time, remarked on how they spun, and recorded their patterns on a great wheel that Xanag had given him.

Son of Xanag and Vogan


Son of Xanag and Vogan



Enemy of Kundo



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