Loran Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Sir Loran is a former human knight of Sunndi who became a death knight. It is uncertain whether Loran lived before or after Sunndi joined the Iron League (455 CY), but it is certain he did not gain his undead status until after the appearance of the first death knights in 203 CY. Likewise, the order of knighthood to which Loran belonged has not been revealed. Loran is eternally haunted by the spirit of his murdered wife.   Sir Loran appears as a skeletal human with glowing eyes, clad in dark plate armor with a ragged cape. He wields Trollpyre's Defender, a magical greatsword.   Sir Loran was married to a gypsy dancer named Lyra, upon whom he fathered an unnamed daughter.   Before his death, Loran was the final Lord of Trollpyre Keep, a minor estate located in southern Sunndi, near the Vast Swamp. An evil, twisted man who hid his true nature behind a mask of honor and stoicism, Loran sought to be known for founding a great warrior-household. To this end, Loran took Lyra, a beautiful dancer, as his wife, but she bore him a daughter instead of a son. Enraged, Loran slew his wife, daughter, and the midwife, using his magic blade, Trollpyre's Defender. Loran's mother-in-law, a priestess, put a curse upon Loran--he was to die painfully in battle, then rise as one of the undead, and be haunted by the spirits of his wife and daughter for all eternity. Upon rising as a death knight, Loran was unable to sire children, and thus his line died with him.   Some time after his transformation, Loran lured a troupe of wandering performers to his keep and tortured them to death. This act succeeded in drawing him into the mists of Ravenloft. Eventually making his way to Cavitius, Sir Loran entered Vecna's service. However, Lyra and her child were also there, and continued to haunt him.

Servant of Vecna



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