Magical Items of Greyhawk

All of these magical items from the Flanaess are named for the geographical area of their origin. This reflects the fact that these magical items weren’t created for general use by mercenaries and adventurers (ie., player characters) some of these items were designed by magic-users who sold them for profit, most items were created for a specific use. Only by chance, diplomacy, and/or combat does such an item pass from its creator to an unintended (and sometimes unwanted) owner. Only the fairly recent and best-guarded magical items are still controlled by their creators.

Player characters will usually find a magical item in the place of its origin, though well-traveled items are not uncommon and can provide their own surprises. No magical item given here is limited to the area that carries its name. However, often the item will not work elsewhere, or have limited usefulness; examples of each include the cloak of the Hellfurnaces and the Medegina bracelet of lost ships.

The information listed after each item includes experience point values awarded to characters who keep the items and gold piece sale values. Class restrictions are listed in abbreviated form: C (clerics), F (fighters), M (magic-users), and T (thieves). Any sub-class can use items restricted to its major class.

Articles under Magical Items of Greyhawk


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