Movement and Missile Fire

A unit that is armed with missile weapons can often fire those weapons during one of the movement steps instead of waiting for an opportunity to use the weapons later in the turn.

NOTE: Troops using bows and arrows have the advantage of being able to fire twice in a turn (but not twice in the same step). All other missile weapons can only be used once per turn.

When Firing Unit Moves

The figures in a player's missile units can fire during his movement step (whether it is First or Second Movement) if they meet the following conditions:

  1. The figure in the missile unit is not in contact with an enemy figure at any point during this step, before or after the missile fire. (Exception: A figure can fire missiles and later in the same step be struck by an enemy unit making an opportunity charge.) If an enemy unit comes into contact with part of a missile unit, the figures that have been contacted cannot fire, but other figures in the missile unit are still free to do so.
  2. The unit cannot use more than half of its movement allowance during this step. (Exception: Archers astride horses or other mounts can use their bows during the movement step and still move their full movement allowance.)
  3. Unless armed with bows, the unit cannot have fired missiles previously during the same turn.

A unit that meets these conditions can fire either before it moves or after it completes its move (or, if the unit remains stationary, at any time during the movement step that the player desires). As in condition 2 above, mounted archers are an exception to this rule: They are not limited to firing either before or after movement. If the player so chooses, such a unit can use part of its movement allowance, fire its weapons, and then continue moving.

When Opposing Units Move

A player's missile units can fire during the opponent's movement step, if they meet the following conditions:

  1. No figure in the unit can be in contact with an enemy figure when the missile fire takes place or prior to the missile fire during the current movement step. Contact during other steps of the turn, or during the current movement step after the attack is made, does not affect the unit's ability to shoot.
  2. The unit cannot have used more than half of its movement allowance prior to firing its missiles. If the opponent moves during the First Movement Step, any units that fire missiles at enemy units during his movement can use no more than half of their movement allowance during the Second Movement Step. (Again, mounted archers are an exception to this restriction; see the preceding column.)
  3. Unless armed with bows, the unit cannot have fired missiles previously during the same turn.

If a unit meets these conditions, the owning player can fire its missiles while the opponent is moving his figures. To do so, the player simply announces his intention to fire when an enemy unit moves within range of his missile unit. The opponent must stop moving until the attack is resolved. He suffers any required casualties immediately, and makes any required morale checks, before continuing to move.

If a player announces his intention to fire missiles, but upon measuring finds that the target is out of range, that shot has been wasted—the missiles went off, but they failed to hit anything.

Articles under MISSLE WEAPONS


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