
Molliver is a thief who gives most of what they steal to the destitute, keeping a few choice items for their own use. They're always ready to put themself in harm's way to see justice triumph over tyranny and inequality.


Molliver invites trouble by not thinking through the ramifications of their actions, counting on their friends to bail them out whenever they get in over their head. They always have a friendly jibe or acerbic remark on the tip of their tongue, and their cavalier attitude doesn't always sit well with their more cautious companions.


Alignment. Chaotic good.

Personality Trait. "I'm a bit rash, to put it mildly."

Ideal. "I have no tolerance for bullies and tyrants."

Bond. "The brigganocks of Yon are my trusted friends. They need someone to protect them, and I happily volunteer."

Flaw. "My impatience sometimes demands that I strike out on my own while my comrades-in-arms waste time deliberating."



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