Mya Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Dwarven goddess of Clan, Family, and Wisdom.   The Mother of Wisdom Goddess of clan, family, and wisdom Greater goddess Alignment: Neutral Good Domains: Good, Healing, Knowledge Symbol: A faceless mother figure The Mother of Wisdom represents the bonds of family and clan that hold dwarf society together. When dwarves extend their hospitality to their lost or wounded brethren, they often do so in Mya's name. Mya also figures prominently in many dwarven divinations, because she is said to have peerless wisdom. Dwarf artisans generally depict her as a middle-aged female with improbably long, braided blonde hair.   Mya's clerics spend most of their lives in temples within dwarf communities, performing the rites and organizing the holidays and festivals important to dwarven culture. Most begin their path by volunteering to help as adolescents, then gradually increasing their commitment to Mya as they grow older.   Anything that threatens the safety or harmony of a dwarf community is Mya's enemy. Her clerics often need adventurers to protect a dwarf settlement or recover a powerful magic item with divinatory powers.   Mya's prayers are distinctive, because they almost never use the singular form (except when referring to Mya). Even if alone, a follower to Mya might begin a prayer with "Mother of Wisdom, grant us succor, that we might safeguard our hearth....".   Mya's temples are sometimes even bigger than Moradin's, since they almost always include amphitheaters where public ceremonies and festivals can take place.   Mya is in charge of marriage, home-blessing, and coming-of-age rites. Many are solemn ceremonies full of long liturgies and contemplative prayers.   Big Good: She represents the bonds of family and clan that hold dwarf society together. Girls with Moustaches: As a dwarven goddess who debuted in 3rd edition, she's unique amongst her peers in that she's never been said to have a beard. Seers: Mya figures prominently in many dwarven divinations. The Smart Girl: She's the goddess of wisdom and is said to possess peerless wisdom.



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