Nastassia Aiareni Nightstar

AC 2 (Dex 15, bracers of defense AC 5, cloak ofprotection +2 MV 12; F81W4; hp 66; THACO 13; #AT 312; Dmg ld8 +3 (long sword +3, frostbrand Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 18; AL LG.

Spells: 3 lst, 2 2nd (typically detect magic, sleep, unseen servant; stinking cloud, strength). Magical items: bracers of defense AC5, cloak of protection + 2, long sword +3, frostbrand, ring of free action, wand of lightning (38 charges), torch of Anazander (see below).

Articles under Nastassia Aiareni Nightstar


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