Nathair Sgiathach (neigh-er skey-ak)

Nathair Sgiathach (pronounced "neigh-er skey-ak," meaning "winged serpent") is the pseudodragon deity of Mischief and Pranks. His symbol is a smile.

Nathair Sgiathach appears as a tiny, 2-foot long, thin-bodied dragon with a prehensile tail, gossamer butterfly wings, and a huge smile.

Nathair Sgiathach is an offspring of the draconic deity Io, and a member of the Seelie Court. Another draconic deity, Hlal, is also portrayed as a faerie dragon, and the two may be one and the same.

He does not concern himself with the affairs of other dragons, and loves the faerie folk. His powerful magical abilities are recognized as a great resource by Titania and the other sylvan deities. Nathair's constant pranks can get tiring, though, even for a faerie court, which is why Nathair is part of their Outer Circle, not their Inner Circle.

Nathair Sgiathach loves to play and indulge his curiosity and love of pranks. He is both pompous and self-deflating. He is a childish being, fond of illusions that cause large folk's bottoms to glow red and emit folk music and the like. He believes in fiercely defending threatened sylvan folk, however. He is also a big believer in apple pie.

Nathair Sgiathach is revered by pseudodragons and faerie dragons alike, as well as sprites, pixies, and grigs.

Nathair Sgiathach is one of Io's offspring, but he does not concern himself with the affairs of other dragons. He has found his home with the chaotic sylvan deities and the delightful sylvan woods. There, he indulges his curiosity, love of play, and his love of pranks with the faerie folk. The god himself is both pompous and self-deflating and loves a prank or quip at his own expense (though he is swift to come back with a prank or bon mot of his own). Despite this levity, the god of faerie dragons loves the faerie folk, and his powerful magical abilities are a great resource which Titania and the others readily recognize.

Role-playing Notes: Nathair Sgiathach's avatars are frequent visitors to Prime Material sylvan settings, where they look for the chance to have harmless at fun at the expense of other beings. Childish trickery—such as casting illusions that make one of the large folk's behinds glow bright red and appear as the source of a folk tune (a simple phantasmal force effect)—amuse the avatars greatly. Nathair's avatars will defend threatened sylvan folk, however, although they prefer to drive off any would-be attackers while making them look silly rather than killing them. Finally, the avatars have a deep fondness for apple pie, but the pie must have honey and sultanas (like strudel) to really impress them.

Statistics: AL eg; WAL ng, eg, en (pseudodragons, faerie dragons, sprites, pixies, grigs AoC mischief, pranks; SY smile.


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