
Otiluke is 39 years old, 5'1" tall, 102 lbs., with cropped short black hair and thin beard and brown-hazel eyes. His long hands are always active, gesturing and emphasizing. It is surely Otiluke's small size and physical puniness (the magical gauntlets he wears, usable by any class, raise his miserable Strength to an effective 9) which have made him compensate by becoming an aggressive and abrasive personality. Otiluke specializes in, and loves studying, area-effect spells which cause physical damage in a wide variety of ways, and he is always interested in bartering or buying offensive magical items.

Otiluke 's ioun stone is an interesting indicator of his mood: he has possessed it for some years, and it has become attuned to him. The mage is easily animated and irritated in discussions, and the more aggressive he feels the faster the stone whirls around his head.

Otiluke has been a member of the Circle of Eight for only some five years, and some within the Circle were unsure of the value of this impulsive, aggressive wizard. However, Otiluke's position in Greyhawk is of major importance. As President of the Society of Magi, he is one of the ruling Oligarchs. He was maneuvered into this position by Kieren Jalucian as explained above; the Circle knew they needed a member permanently in residence in the Free City-and who better than an Oligarch?

Kieren was considered unacceptable to join the Circle by virtue of alignment at the time, and so Otiluke was approached. He enthusiastically accepted the invitation from Otto and Tenser. Otiluke's membership in the Circle is a complete secret within Greyhawk, and he is often under some strain because of the need to maintain total secrecy in this matter. Otiluke is the direct (one-way) line between the city rulers and the Circle of Eight.

Otiluke is in the Free City some 90% of the time. His own home is at location R15, and he may also be found in any of the following places at certain times: at Otto's home (location G2), Jallarzi Sallavarian's home (location H16), the Guild of Wizardry (location H13), or at any reputable hostelry, often in the company of one of the noted mages or with ...

AC 4 (Dex 17, cloak of protection + 4 MV 12; M16; hp 39; THAC0 15/13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +2 (dagger +2 Str 5 (raised to 9 by gauntlets; see below), Dex 17, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 11; ALN.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 5 4th, 5 5th, 3 6th, 2 7th. and 1 8th (but see below).

Magical items: cloak of protection + 4, dagger + 2, gauntlets of kobold power (see below), horn of blasting, ioun stone (pale green: adds 1 level of experience and additional spells accordingly), neck lace of missiles (1 of 8HD, 3 of 6HD, 3 of 4HD), periapt of proof against poison + 2, ring of spell turning, wand of fire. and wand of frost.



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