Pale Night

Pale Night, the so-called "Mother of Demons," is an demon lord, both enigmatic and unbelievably ancient. In Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, it was revealed that she is a member of the demonic race called the obyriths.   Pale Night's form is incorporeal, and she appears as an empty flowing white shroud with the suggestion of a shapely female body underneath. It is said that Pale Night's true form, as befits an obyrith, is so hideous and terrifying that reality itself rejects it. The shroud that she "wears" hides it. To glimpse Pale Night's true form risks madness and death.   Pale Night is the mother of Graz'zt, Lupercio, Rhyxali, Zivorgian, and Vucarik in Chains. Through Graz'zt, she is the grandmother of Iuz. She seems to have a mutual defense alliance with Baphomet.   Pale Night lives in a bone castle which sits on a vast plateau in the Endless Maze of Baphomet, on the 600th layer of the Abyss. She has a strong alliance with Baphomet, the Prince of Beasts, and has lived on his layer since long before he became a demon lord. They do not work together, but each will defend the other's home from assault. Pale Night's castle looks like a giant grasping hand and is guarded by ambulatory bones and appendages. She rarely leaves this castle. It is said that those who stumble into her domain become new guardians for it. Pale Night also rules the 471st layer of the Abyss, called Androlynne. Long ago, by guile and trickery, she manipulated the sense of concern the eladrin prince Ascodel, consort of Queen Morwel, felt for his race's young to convince him to agree to a terrible pact. The pact trapped a whole generation of eladrin children on her layer, allowing Pale Night's forces to hunt them down one by one at her leisure. Since then, the layer has become a battlefield between the forces of the demoness and the celestials that have come to protect the young eladrins.   Worshipers of Pale Night are rare; most of them are malevolent spellcasters obsessed with creating new breeds of half-fiends to unleash on the world.

Mother pf Graz'zt

Through Graz'zt, she is the grandmother of Iuz.

Lupercio is the son of Pale Night

Daughter of Pale Night

Daughter of Pale Night

Grandson of Pale Night


She seems to have a mutual defense alliance with Baphomet.


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