Prince Melf and the Knights of Luna

The Knights of Luna are an order dedicated to involving Celene in the politics of post-war Oerik. Queen Yolande’s advisers have led her to decree Celene a virtually closed land, with borders sealed to all but those the land has known well for many years. The Knights of Luna believe this to be short-sighted and foolhardy. Militarily, they believe that the survival of Furyondy and Veluna is the only hope for good in the world, and they also have strong fellow-feeling for the Highfolk. They regard the Highfolk as the key for current conflict and skirmish. Only if Iuz is repelled there and in the Vesve can enough time be bought to secure Furyondy and develop the might needed to overcome Iuz eventually.

The Knights pursue their goals in several ways. First, those who adventure give a tithe from their good fortune to the Highfolk. Second, those who are involved in the politics of Celene use many strategies to influence the Queen or her closest advisers-filtering incoming news, pleading the cases of certain foreigners to be allowed into Celene, and trying to stress Celene’s need for trade in some key areas. The aim is always to weaken the borders a little. Third, the Knights make very careful overtures to selected politically influential people in other lands, gently mentioning that there are those in Celene who wish to support them, seeking allegiances, sometimes offering active support and short-term service. Just as they try to open Celene’s sealed mind and borders, they urge those others not to give up on Celene and to continue with political overtures.

The Knights are some 180 strong, most being warriors, warrior-mages, or warrior-priests (usually of Corellon Larethian). Some one-third are half-elves, and this population is the one from which they currently recruit most of their new members. Half of them dwell within Celene itself, many venturing into the Welkwood and beyond to acquire information and support the woodsmen of the Gnarley and upper Suss forests. In the Free City, their main representative is Melf.

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