Princes of Elemental Evil Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Princes of Elemental Evil

Archomentals are powerful exemplary beings of the Elemental Planes and rulers over the elementals. Although they are not truly rulers of their planes, archomentals like to consider themselves as much and often grant themselves regal titles like Prince or Princess. They are compared in the source material to the archfiends or celestial paragons, and are considered to be the elemental equivalent of such beings.   The evil archomentals are collectively known as the Princes of Elemental Evil. The five most famous include: Cryonax: Prince of Evil Cold Creatures Imix: Prince of Evil Fire Creatures Ogrémoch: Prince of Evil Earth Creatures Olhydra: Princess of Evil Water Creatures Yan-C-Bin: Prince of Evil Air Creatures Two further archomentals, Uzrith of Earth and Alyolvoy of Water, are mentioned in "The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb" in Dungeon #37. They are powerful and possessive evil elemental beings who created at least one of seven magical vessels called the Ships of Earth and Sea, which have the ability to move on the earth and underwater as well as on the surface of the sea. The two are fierce rivals of one another.   The Elemental Princes of Evil were created by Lewis Pulsipher for the 1981 Fiend Folio. The Elemental Princes of Good were created by Monte Cook for the 1998 Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III.

Used by Tharizdun


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