Ramenos Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Ramenos is the bullywug deity of Somnolence, Intoxication, and Decay. His symbol is a frog.   Once active and strong, Ramenos now slumbers most of the time, barely able to sustain attention to his own fate. He takes the form of an enormous, bloated frog with a maw vast even for one of his kind.   Ramenos's relationship with the human demigod Wastri, who also has large numbers of bullywug followers, is unknown, but Ramenos scarcely cares for anything. It is unknown what relationship he may have to the yuan-ti deity Merrshaulk, with whom he shares a layer of the Abyss. A former consort of Ramenos is Urae-Naas, a slaad lord who rules the Phage Breeding Grounds on the Abyss. She appears as a bloated slaad, too obese to use her legs.   Ramenos shares his slumbering realm of Smaragd on the 74th layer of the Abyss with the yuan-ti god Merrshaulk. There, demons push sacrifices into the frog-god's open mouth.   Followers of Ramenos believe in the pleasures of intoxication and little else.   Bullywug shamans are weak among their people. They act as advisors to tribal leaders (who they are often related to), and are religiously bound to get intoxicated with various plant alkaloids regularly. Bullywug clerics have a 50% chance of summoning more monsters than usual, but there is a 25% chance that these monsters will not be under their control. They are more limited than most clerics, being able to cast only summon spells, inflict spells, and their domain spells.   With the proper rites performed at one of Ramenos' ancient, ruined temples, his avatar can still be called forth. Otherwise, he will not bother.   Bullywugs have only the most primitive creation myths, and they have no stories of Ramenos playing a role in them.   In the dim epochs of the past, Ramenos was worshiped by a now-extinct race of froglike humanoids, of whom bullywugs are among the few, degenerate descendents. Deep within the jungles, plateaus, and swamps to the south, evidence of his old glory can still be seen in the form of ruined temples with enormous stone statues of the god, their mouths still open to receive sacrifices. Since then, Ramenos has fallen into dreams and periods of prolonged intoxication. He seems to be undergoing a long process of self-extinction.


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