Rellavar Danuvien Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Rellavar Danuvien

Elven god of Frost Sprites and Protection from Cold. Alignment: Neutral Good Cleric Domain(s): Nature and Tempest Followers: Elves Holy Language(s): Elvish and Celestial Portfolio: Cold, Winter, Protection from the Elements Realm: Arvandor Symbol(s): Frozen Spear Weapon: Spear   A minor deity worshipped as a god of winter and by those who seek protection from the cold. His worship is especially prevalent amongst the snow elves, a pale subset of wood elves that inhabit the far north and he is considered their co-patron alongside his consort Tarsellis Meunniduin.   Symbol: Silver spear between two white circles Rellavar Danuvien is another god of the snow elves, acting as a ward against the severe cold. He used to serve Tarsellis a long time ago, but his continuing friendship with Solonar strained theirs a bit. Now he's an independent god, though he can count on help from both against the machinations of Auril and Surtr (both beings whose power is based on ice and cold). He's good friends with Erevan Ilesere, who is himself a patron of faerie folk (though of the larger community of faeries and sprites).   Rellavar's priests seek to mitigate the effects of the elements on the elvenfolk, particularly cold. They're also important in keeping those elves found in the arctic in arms, enchanting ice so that it has the strength of steel. Someday, his following among the snow and ice elves may eclipse that of his former benefactor.   Rellavar's clergy consists of clerics and specialty priests, and though evenly proportioned it may change in favor of the specialty priests in the next decade or so. They have the support of several orders of rangers, as well as a rare order of elven wyrmslayers (a form of paladin, or so it's been rumored).   Rellavar's clergy prefer to dress in blue and white, though furs aren't used as much in their raiment as Tarsellis' priests. They hold holy days whenever a dangerous undertaking is about to begin, when enemies beset the settlements of their people, or a particularly bad blizzard is underway. Usually the offerings are of hardened, sculpted ice or bone, though very important ceremonies call for sacrificing valuable objects made of other materials.


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