
Rhennee is used in reference to the Rhennee people, a race of nomadic humans living in the Flanaess, though the term may also refer to the culture of said people. They are also known as Rhenfolk (also seen as "rhen-folk"). They speak a unique language called Rhopan which borrows heavily from both other languages and the cant of thieves' guilds, but they have no written language and no recorded history. Their history is passed through oral tradition. Many Rhennee themselves may be unfamiliar with the story of their origin or guard its secret closely.   The complexion of Rhenn-folk ranges from olive to tan; their hair is usually curly and tends to be black or dark brown. Most have eyes of gray, blue, or hazel, but green is known in some families. The Rhennee are generally short but strong and wiry, with men averaging 5 ft. 6 in. and women less. They superficially resemble Oeridians, and in some cases where Rhennee aren't common or populous, they may be mistaken for being Oeridian.   These people dress in muted colors, and each adult male has a set of homemade leather armor of good quality. The cut and style of their clothing is simple and functional, eschewing the fashion-minded concerns of other races. [2]   The Rhennee are not natives of Oerth, but rather immigrants from a land called Rhop. While little about Rhop is known, it's known to be not on Oerth[3] and instead is on another world or plane of existence.[1][4] Believed to have first arrived on Oerth in the Adri Forest in approximately 150 CY,[5] they were driven out by its hostile inhabitants and now inhabit the rivers and lakes of the Flanaess. They live in a seaborne culture on barges which hold individual families. Though the vast majority of Rhennee families are waterborne nomads, a small, rare group of Rhenfolk live and travel in hard-covered wagon trains. These are known as the "Attloi" and are greatly looked down on by their kin, though both groups refer to themselves as Rhennee, or the "true folk".     Rhennee are often distrusted by many people and are thought of as thieves and worse. But there are a few, rare communities and cities that welcome them. Among these are both Veluna and The County of Urnst. They can also be commonly found in Dyvers, Perrenland and in the Wharf and River Quarters of the Free City of Greyhawk. Because of stereotypes and prejudice, the Rhennee are exploited and harassed, i.e., stopped to pay extra taxes, prohibited from trading areas, jailed for lacking fishing permits, but are driven away by illegal fishermen, etc. This is especially true in the Duchy of Urnst, where the Rhennee are persecuted by the highly militant elite cavalry of the Duke, the Bar Rampant. Because of this, and their cultural differences, they are insular and keep to themselves. They have social taboos that are perceived as virtually unbreakable which prohibit such things as marrying outside of their own culture or teaching their language to non-Rhennee.     A Rhennee woman, illustration by Vince Locke, LGG (2000). They also have cultural standards that allow them to treat non-Rhennee differently from their own people. They can lie, cheat, steal, and deceive outsiders but these actions can end up with them being banished from Rhennee culture if they are done to others of their own families. They will never do these things amongst their own people, but amongst outsiders: they will never work when they can steal,[6] nor will they deal squarely when they can cheat.[7]   The Rhenfolk subsist economically by ferrying goods and passengers, fishing, hunting, selling their crafts (especially leather goods), and illegal means (theft and smuggling), although they put forth the least amount of work needed to accomplish their goals.[2][6]   The Rhenene are so culturally unintegrated that there is limited contact with other human peoples. It is speculated that they fled from some oppressive force or that they simply outstayed their welcome on their previous world.   Rhennee value freedom more than anything else, while at the same time, they value friendships and clan loyalties very highly. they are generally found to be neutral.   Groups are led by "nobles" or "lords" that loosely govern a group of barges.   Rhennee refuse to use divine magic and are very careful with arcane magic. Their preferred "magic" is not magical at all, fooling the unwary with sleight-of-hand and legerdemain. They practice use of an Arcane, purely cosmic, universal, non-anthropomorphic (not person-shaped) power or force. Their Vetha are trusted advisors to the leaders of the barge families, and it is rare when their counsel is not heeded.[8] Only "wise women" have genuine magical gifts; they are sorcerers, bards, or witches and prefer charms and illusions, practicing divination as well. They like spells that deceive or confuse people, especially enchantments like love potions or (very) minor protective charms that can be sold to the foolish, unwary, or greedy. While it is technically possible for men to practice magic, culturally they do not do so.[9] Their social structure, what little there is, is light and non-rigid. But, the Bargefolk are ruled by many, many superstitions.   Religion None. They disdain gods of all stripes, and do not practice divine magic in any form.[10][11][12]   They are a deeply superstitious folk, and they see portents and omens in many things.[13] The Rhennee honor ancestors and former tribal leaders, but they do not worship them.   They acknowledge and revere animistic spirits, such as those found in the Nyr Dyv (which they refer to as "Lady Deep")[14] or elsewhere in nature, though they fall short of any worship.



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