Rill Cleverthrush Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Rill Cleverthrush

Rill Cleverthrush, god of Invention, Creation, and the Sky.   God of invention, creation, sky, law, and thought Lesser god Alignment: Lawful Neutral Domains: Air, Knowledge, Magic, Travel Symbol: Gemstones overlaying interlocking gears Rill is the epitome of the absent-minded gnome artisan, always busy in his workshop polishing a newly cut gem or putting the finishing touches on a "living statue" to be given to a worthy mortal. Appearing as an elderly, bespectacled gnome, Rill is always shown holding Rill's Ruby, a gem that has a facet for each living gnome.   "One part praying, two parts thinking", says Rill. That's a mandate his clerics have taken to heart, training their charges in a variety of Knowledge, Profession, and Craft skills.   If it's a rare gem, Rill wants it, and he'll order his clerics to procure it. Rill is also fascinated with the strange devices of bygone ages, and he sends adventurers across the world to find the missing parts of ancient clockwork machines.   Much of the wisdom of Rill is contained in a sacred book titled Rill's Instructions to the Faithful. Many of his beliefs are worded as natural laws or step-by-step instructions. A cleric might say, "The fourth law of Rill is that gnomes make decisions with harmonious minds".   Rill rarely has temples to call his own, but many a gnome workshop has a small shrine to Rill in the corner.   Rill has few organized rites, but sometimes his followers gather to bless a newly cut gem of prodigious size or a newly made invention or magic item.   Cool Sword: His favored weapon is a longsword. Gadgeteer Genius: He's always working in his workshop on various inventions. Lost Technology: Rill is fascinated with ancient technology and sends adventurers across the world to find more for him. The Smart Guy: Rill teaches his faithful to engage in "One part praying, two parts thinking" and conveys much of his wisdom to them through his sacred book.


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