Sheyanna Flaxenstrand Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Sheyanna Flaxenstrand

Sheyanna Flaxenstrand, goddess of Love, Beauty, and Passion.   Goddess of love, beauty, and passion Intermediate goddess Alignment: Chaotic Good Domains: Chaos, Fire, Good, Healing, Light Symbol: Two silver goblets It is said that Sheyanna is the source of the rivalry between Garl and Gelf, for both woo her in many gnome legends. Sheyanna doesn't commit to either brother, however, choosing instead to encourage matchmaking and passionate affairs among the mortal gnomes in her care. Thus a romantic triangle is formed, a triangle that has launched a thousand folk tales. Sheyanna is said to be the ideal of gnome beauty, a delicate blonde princess with a smile that melts even Gelf's icy heart. Sheyanna is often depicted with Hearthlight, a golden torch that can spew a fountain of flame wherever she aims it.   Gnomes joke that clerics of Sheyanna are trained extensively in the amorous arts, and thus they make great spouses. While that isn't quite true, her clergy does indeed recruit the most attractive gnomes in a given community.   Sheyanna's quests are often to reunite lovers separated by the tides of fortune. Characters might have to rescue an imprisoned gnome wife, guard a bridegroom on his journey to the wedding, or act as an emissary between two noble gnomes during a marital dispute.   Many of Sheyanna's prayers are sung as ballads that "court" Sheyanna, praising her beauty and other romantic qualities, and then asking for a reciprocal token of her esteem.   Sheyanna's temples are often small additions built onto Garl Glittergold's temples. Many a nervous bride awaits her wedding ceremony in a cloistered chamber within Sheyanna's temple and then walks to Garl's temple for the actual ceremony.   The marriage rite is central to Sheyanna's faith. She also blesses healthy babies and has a number of fertility rites.   Epic Flail: Her favored weapon is a heavy flail called Hearthlight, which also serves as a golden torch that can spew a fountain of flame wherever she aims it. Hot Goddess: Sheyanna is said to be the ideal of gnome beauty, a delicate blonde princess with a smile that melts even Gelf's icy heart. Love Goddess: Sheyanna is the gnome goddess of love and is dedicated towards encouraging matchmaking and passionate affairs among mortal gnomes. Married to the Job: Sheyanna's one true care is the act of filling the hearts of mortal gnomes with passion, and forging true bonds of love. Such is her devotion to this role that she herself remains single, although many gnomish legends tell of the love triangle between herself, the divine patriach Garl Glittergold, and Garl's dark twin, Gelf Darkhearth. The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female gnome deity who is not of mortal origin. Somewhat averted in the 5th edition, in which Baervan Wildwanderer, Baravar Cloakshadow, Gaerdal Ironhand, and Nebelun were also depicted as female deities.


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