
Skerrit may appear as any creature of the forest. Sometimes his spirit will temporarily possess various plants and animals in order to do his will. Centaurs often portray him as a perfect member of their own race; satyrs and sylvan elves presumably do the same. In his centaur form, Skerrit wields a bow and a spear. When he is in the forest, the branches and leaves of the trees move to impede his foes' attacks.

Skerrit is a member of Titania's Seelie Court. He is part of the Outer Circle of the Seelie Court, which also includes Caoimhin, Emmantiensien, Fionnghuala, and Nathair Sgiathach. There is no friction between the sylvan elves who worship Skerrit and those who worship Rillifane Rallathil, who considers Skerrit to be a close friend. Skerrit is allied with Corellon Larethian.

Skerrit's Glade is located on the Outer Plane of the Beastlands, near Ehlonna's Grove of the Unicorns. Though he is probably the best known member of Titania's Seelie Court, he prefers to maintain his own realm separately.

Skerrit represents Nature's great guiding hand, keeping the Balance between all things. He maintains the forest so that all within it may serve their proper roles. For hunters, he provides prey; for the hunted, he provides bountiful flora.

Skerrit is worshipped mainly by centaurs and satyrs, and by those sylvan elves who are more neutral in alignment.

Skerrit's clerics wear tan leafy vests. They are leaders of their bands and pass on their role from parent to child. They protect hunters, determine migration routes, and officiate at the sacred dances and mock hunts.

Skerrit's temples are simply large groves in which bands of worshippers assemble.

Ritual hunts and dances are held to honor Skerrit.

Every month on the nights of the full moon, up to a dozen bands of satyrs may come together, telling stories of Skerrit's hunting exploits, followed by mock hunts and wrestling contests held around the fire. The winner receives the title of "Hunter" which lasts until the next full moon, during which time they get the choice food and are honored by the band leader's bodyguards. A huge feast finishes the ceremony and the bands disperse before dawn.

Skerrit is worshipped during the nights of the full moons.

James M. Ward created Skerrit for Deities and Demigods (1980).

Sylvan centaurs have their own lands and homes, and do not live in the deep sylvan homes of the diminutive faerie folk. However, many creatures which are wise enough to avoid deep sylvan territories give the woodlands about them a wide berth also, which suits the peaceful and seclusive centaurs. Skerrit works with the sylvan gods as a protector and guardian of the boundaries of sylvan lands, and in turn they help his folk with magic in defense of their homes should this be needed, and with faerie gifts. Skerrit is a kindly and merciful god, but he is also a fine hunter and protector, skilled and strong.

Role-playing Notes: Skerrit may send an avatar to help a cen taur band threatened by servants of an evil deity. His avatars may sometimes act as spies at the edge of woodlands, avoiding confrontations but warning centaurs and faeries of looming dangers and threats. He may send omens to priests in the form of unusual animal behavior during the mock hunts they per form.

Statistics: AL n (eg WAL n (eg) (centaurs AoC community, natural balances; SY oak growing from acorn.



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