Spindrift Isles

The Councils of Five and Seven (true names unknown)

Capital: (Lendore Island) Lo Reltarma (population 10,000)

Population: 30,000

Demi-humans: Many in the northern isles, 1,500 + on Lendore Isle

Humanoids: Many on Lendore Isle, mainly ores and kobolds

Resources: Unknown

The islands furthest east in the Asperdi Duxchan chain are the Spindrifts, some 100 leagues east of the Medegian coast. Exact information is not available, as neither the Sea Barons nor the Duxchan captains have reported upon them — both groups likely desiring to expand their holdings by acquiring these islands. There are tales that numerous Olvenfolk dwell in the Spindrifts, and the reason that neither seafaring nation reports anything about them is because these elves capture and imprison any sailor so bold as to enter their domain. The isle furthest to the south was once ruled by a mighty wizard, one Lendore according to stories.

The Spindrifts are known to be divided into two parts, the northern islands of the High Elves, and the single southern Lendore Isle. The three northern islands are supposedly overseen by five elven wizards supported by numerous elven lords and half-elven clergy. Ships from the Lordship of the Isles as well as from the Sea Barons who have ventured there have yet to return! There are no reported towns or villages in the northern islands and seclusion is all these demihumans seem to require.

Lendore Isle, on the other hand, has much trade with the continent and pays, through the Council of Seven of Lo Reltarma, a liberal sum to both the Lordship of the Isles and the Sea Barons to pass without incident. This immunity has been ignored on occasion by an enterprising pirate who is then later exterminated — whether by an agent of the Council or by someone else is unknown. The humans of Lendore Isle pray almost exclusively to the ancient gods of the Suloise, but how this religion became dominant on this faraway isle is a mystery.

Lendore Isle is named for the Arch-Mage who founded its civilization, but tales of him and the fellowship he brought to the Spindrifts are all but lost.

Geopolitical, Country



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