Tarsellis Meunniduin Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Tarsellis Meunniduin

Elven god of Winter, Mountains, and Snow Elves

  Patron of Snow Elves, Lord of Mountains God of mountains, rivers, snow elves, and wilderness Intermediate god Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Domains: Nature, Tempest Symbol: Snowcapped mountain or mountain with a river Tarsellis is the patron god of those known as snow elves, who mainly inhabit the Crystalmist mountains of Oerth (rumor has it that snow elves also exist on the far reaches of the Spine of the World or even the High Ice portion of Anauroch in Faerûn, though this is unproven). Though he visits the other members of the Seldarine on Arborea, he prefers to wander the realms of Ysgard (word has it that he dallies in the realms of Vanaheim and Elfheim when he isn't home in The Wild Ride). Tarsellis is a hearty warrior and a capable hunter, so it's a surprise that he and Solonar Thelandira aren't friends. The truth is that they once were but that they had an argument over another deity. In some tales Hanali is depicted as the goddess responsible, but older tales indicate that it was Lolth who (before The War of Darkness, when she wasn't yet wholly evil) caused the rift between them. It should also be said that Tarsellis is a rival of sorts with Rillifane Rallathil, since Tarsellis also claims to have control of those forests which grow among the mountain ranges. Tarsellis' followers are almost wholly snow elves, though others sometimes give tribute to him as Lord of the Mountains.   Tarsellis Meunniduin always appears as a tall, blonde male elf, deeply tanned and clad in luxurious furs. Though he is a legendary hunter, Tarsellis is deeply devoted to the wilds and the creatures that dwell therein. Thus, he spends a great deal of time and energy roaming the wilderness in search of evil creatures and great monsters to slay or drive from his domain.   A solitary figure, Tarsellis Meunniduin is considered somewhat of a rustic by the other elven deities. He spends the greater share of his time in the mountains and forests of the Prime Material Plane, and his worshipers build temples and shrines to him there. His followers offer him furs of the finest quality and bring live animals of the greatest size as presents to the druids of his temples. Snow elves consider Tarsellis their patron deity.   Above all else, Tarsellis detests drow. If a worshiper of his prays for aid while doing damage to the drow, there is a slight (1%) chance that Tarsellis will send help in one form or another. The reason for this hatred is traceable to his quarrel with Solonor. For the goddess Megwandir (so named before the elves yet walked the earth) has come to be known as Lolth, and no longer dwells with the elven deities. The feelings Tarsellis once felt for Megwandir have become hatred.   Tarsellis' clergy is generally split up into localized groups. Shamans make up a bare majority of his priesthood (55%), though clerics, specialty priests, and rangers hold more power in the civilized regions. The raiment of the priesthood differ, but generally consist of white robes and furred cloak and boots (holy symbols are made of bone or ivory). Temples are few, and the priests' primary duty is to watch over their fellow snow elves and to erect shrines near mountain passes and mountain tops.   Only The C Hosen May Wield: Tarsellis both hunts and fights with a giant spear that never misses. Only he can wield this weapon. We Used to Be Friends: Tarsellis was once great friends with (and, indeed, was superior to) the elven god Solonor Thelandira, and the two would often hunt together in the days of old. But before the elves yet walked the earth, Tarsellis fell in love with a beautiful but dark goddess. Solonor objected to Tarsellis' romance, not trusting the dark goddess, and the ensuing quarrel has left the two gods bitter ever since.


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