
Formerly a member of the Circle of Eight, Tenser the Archmage is still associated with this group in the public mind, though he does little work with the Circle now. Before his death in 584 CY, this wizard was the strongest advocate for law and good in the Eight, and often found himself at loggerheads with those members who prized balance above all. Following a near-tragedy at the hands of Vecna's followers, all members of the Eight kept a number of active clones. However, after the battle that ki!led Tenser and Otiluke, all discoverable clones of the two mages were destroyed by co-conspirators of the assassin, Rary of Ket. One clone of Tenser was finally recovered from a secret location. When the cloned Tenser returned to his castle on the shore of the Nyr Dyv in 585 CY, he retired from the Cirde of Eight and began a campaign to promote the forces of law and good in the Flanaess.

AC 1 (ring of protection + 3, cloak of displacement, staff of the magi, Dex 16): MV 12; M20: hp 60; THAC0 14/13: #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 3 or more (staff of striking Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16. Int 17. Wis 11, Cha 18; AL LG (N). Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd. 5 4th, 5 5th. 4 6th, 3 7th. 3 8th, and 2 9th.

Magical items: ring of protection + 3. cloak of displacement, staff of the magi. staff of striking, amulet of proof against detection and location, dust of disappear ance. pearl of the sirines, ring of human influence, ring of fire resistance, staff of thunder and lightning, wand of enemy detection, Zagyg's spell component case.

Tenser is 57 (47). 5'10"taU, 157 lbs. with dark brown hair and eyes and a prominent aquiline nose. He always dresses in blue garments, light predominating over dark. and his home is decorated in the same way. He is polite. quick-witted. and gregarious; he enjoys intelligent conversation and likes entertaining guests m his home. He is the strongest proponent for the causes of Law and Good within the Circle of Eight. He is known to be slightly disrespectful of the rights of others m such matters, being quite ready to use the geas spell to force others into serving those causes dear to his heart. He is also aggressive when roused. and uses offensive spells in combats immeediately when this is feasible.

Tenser lives in a castle on the southern shores of the Nyr Dyv. It is well defended physically (built on a craggy rock outcrop protruding from the coastline) and also magically. Disconcerting magical illusions and distortions within it impede any intruders and leave them off guard, as an amused archmage watches their blunderings with magical scrying. Once protected by a very rare water dragon which has now left for the depths of the Nyr Dyv. Tenser's castle still has its many magical guardians, and Tenser has friends among sirines, swanmays, nixies, nymphs, and other good- or neutral aligned races who dwell in the area.

Tenser has many alliances with nonhuman creatures which reflect his gregarious, curious, and helpful nature and his alignment. He has aided Jann against the depredations of marauding dao. gained respect among the rare, chaotic good fir bolg of the \\elk wood. and rescued a herd of centaurs from formorian giants in the Gnarley Forest. In return for this favor, the centaurs watch over that fell place and inform Tenser of any evil growing rapidly in power within it. It is also known that Tenser has at least respect. if not friendships. among groups of galeb duhr, brownies, sprites, and werebears.

Tenser's concern for thwarting the plans of Evil is indicated by his contacts in the courts of Furyondy, Urnst, and Nyrond, and by his very strong friendship with the high Patriarch of Rao in Mithrik, none other than Hazen, priestly ruler of that bastion of righteousness.

While Mordenkainen and others feign boredom with Tenser's continual warnings concerning the ambitions of Evil, there is no doubt he is often right in his claims, and his desire to shift the balance of power toward Law and Good is tolerated by other Circle members at least m part because of the extensive intelligence network he has.

Tenser is a not-infrequent visitor to Greyhawk City, coming out of curiousity, concern, or simple sociability. Any sniff of excellent imported rich fabrics (Tenser is slightly vain), unique ornaments and decorations which he could buy for his home, or rare ma¢cal items he could purchase or barter for will also bring him to the city. He usually stays either at the house of his good fnend Otto (location G2), with Jallarzi (location H16), or treats himself to a little luxury at The Golden Phoenix (location G11). The Wizard's Hut Inn (location R4) is another favored hangout of his.


Level One

Tenser’s Eye of the Tiger Tenser’s Steady Aim

Level Two

Tenser’s Brawl Tenser’s Hunting Hawk

Level Three

Tenser’s Deadly Strike Tenser’s Eye of the Eagle

Level Four

Tenser’s Flaming Blade Tenser’s Giant Strength Tenser’s Master of Arms Tenser’s Running Warrior Tenser’s Staff of Smiting

Level Five

Tenser’s Primal Fury

Level Six

Tenser’s Fortunes of War

Former Member






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