Tethrin Veraldé Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Tethrin Veraldé

Elven god of Bladesingers. The Shining One, The Master of Blades God of bladesingers, swordsmanship, and battle Demigod Alignment: Neutral Good Domains: War symbol: Crossed swords beneath a quarter moon and above a full moon Tethrin the Shining One is the patron god of bladesingers and swordsmen, and is apparently the son of both Corellon and Sehanine, though only recently has he begun to develop a following among the elves. An adventurous, strident god, he believes in the power of elven blades and magic to win the day, and likewise encourages his followers to use such to protect and further the elven cause. Tethrin has few enemies save Lolth (who would like to deal a personal blow to Corellon and Sehanine by slaying him) and the Faerûnian drow demigod Selvetarm (he may have been sent by Lolth to kill Tethrin, though it failed). On Oerth, he gained the ire of Hextor by helping Heironeous settle some matters there, and so he must watch out for him. Still, if he were slain, Corellon would reinstate him, so his worries are somewhat alleviated.   Although Tethrin spends much of his time on Arborea, he shares the realms of Tethridar on the first layer of Elysium with the goddess Kirith Sotheril, his lover and confidant. It's a small but pleasant place, complete with a large copse of trees as well as a fruit orchard. There, amid the trees and open field, followers of his who have died continually practice and hone their skills.   Tethrin's clergy is comprised of clerics (30%) specialty priests (30%), bladesingers (20%), and fighters (20%). They stress the value of swordsmanship as well as the mixing of swords and magic, among other things. Tethrin's holy days are in fact held on the same day as Sehanine and Corellon's, whereupon they give thanks for the blessed union which brought forth Tethrin. Also, once each month a special day is held in which they show off their fighting skills and attempt to bring in new converts. Known as Tethrin's Match, it usually brings a healthy amount of attention, and they generally succeed in their efforts. Already there are several orders of bladesingers and warriors' guilds who are dedicated to him. As for what the clergy wear during holy days, they generally stick to blue and silver robes, though they're favored for use in everyday situations as well.   Magic Knight: He teaches his followers that both swords and magic will allow them to win the day, as well as to protect and further the elven cause. His clergy stress the value of mixing of swords and magic, among other things. Master Swordsman: He's the elven god of swordsmen and stresses the value of swordsmanship.


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