Tharmekhûl Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Dwarven god of the Forge, Fire, and Warfare. The Tender of the Forge God of fire, forges, and molten rock Demigod Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Destruction, Fire, War Symbol: Fiery axe The Tender of the Forge, as Tharmekhûl is also known, is Moradin's assistant. He is the deity of furnaces and fire. Usually smiths and other dwarves who revere the creative power of the forge worship him. However, fire has a destructive side, so Tharmekhûl is also revered as a minor war deity, primarily concerned with siege engines and other weapons. He is depicted in religious art as an azer or as a bronze-skinned dwarf with hair and beard made of black smoke.   Clerics of Tharmekhûl are few and far between. Most commonly, a dwarf community has one cleric and one apprentice, who takes that cleric's place upon his death, adopting a new apprentice at that time.   Tharmekhûl's interests are narrow. His clerics might carry flame from the Elemental Plane of Fire to kindle a new forge, or they might delve deep into ancient ruins to discover a lost forge and retrieve the seal of the smith who worked it.   Fire imagery of all sorts fills the liturgy of Tharmekhûl's worship. Fire is a purifier, and it also represents the external dangers that temper the dwarf race. A daily prayer begins with the words "Forge and furnace, melt me and mold me....".   Tharmekhûl does not have temples of his own. His clerics offer prayers as they tend the forge that lies in the heart of each of Moradin's temples.   The rites honoring Tharmekhûl all involve the tending of an actual forge: preparing it for use and stoking and damping its flames.   Forged by the Gods: Tharmekhûl is the god of the forge and inspires smiths and other dwarves with the creative applications of the forge. Playing with Fire: He represents both the creative and destructive aspects of fire, and fire iconography is included in all aspects of Tharmekhûl's worship. War God: Due to the destructive forces of fire and molten rock, as well as the forge's role in weapons manufacturing, Tharmekhûl is revered as a minor war deity.
The Tender of the Forge God of fire, forges, and molten rock Demigod Alignment: True Neutral Domains: Destruction, Fire, War Symbol: Fiery axe The Tender of the Forge, as Tharmekhûl is also known, is Moradin's assistant. He is the deity of furnaces and fire. Usually smiths and other dwarves who revere the creative power of the forge worship him. However, fire has a destructive side, so Tharmekhûl is also revered as a minor war deity, primarily concerned with siege engines and other weapons. He is depicted in religious art as an azer or as a bronze-skinned dwarf with hair and beard made of black smoke.   Clerics of Tharmekhûl are few and far between. Most commonly, a dwarf community has one cleric and one apprentice, who takes that cleric's place upon his death, adopting a new apprentice at that time.   Tharmekhûl's interests are narrow. His clerics might carry flame from the Elemental Plane of Fire to kindle a new forge, or they might delve deep into ancient ruins to discover a lost forge and retrieve the seal of the smith who worked it.   Fire imagery of all sorts fills the liturgy of Tharmekhûl's worship. Fire is a purifier, and it also represents the external dangers that temper the dwarf race. A daily prayer begins with the words "Forge and furnace, melt me and mold me....".   Tharmekhûl does not have temples of his own. His clerics offer prayers as they tend the forge that lies in the heart of each of Moradin's temples.   The rites honoring Tharmekhûl all involve the tending of an actual forge: preparing it for use and stoking and damping its flames.   Forged by the Gods: Tharmekhûl is the god of the forge and inspires smiths and other dwarves with the creative applications of the forge. Playing with Fire: He represents both the creative and destructive aspects of fire, and fire iconography is included in all aspects of Tharmekhûl's worship. War God: Due to the destructive forces of fire and molten rock, as well as the forge's role in weapons manufacturing, Tharmekhûl is revered as a minor war deity.



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