The Glutton Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Glutton

The Glutton, god of Disaster and Greed.   God of disaster and greed Lesser god Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength Symbol: Gaping maw with fanged canines Usually depicted as a massive, ravenous badger or wolverine, the Glutton figures prominently in the bedtime stories gnomes tell naughty children, "Go to sleep or the Glutton will get you!" The Glutton is blamed whenever a burrow collapses or another misfortune befalls the gnomes. It is said that the Glutton was once a gnome who was cursed with a hideous form and a desire to consume the gnomes and all they hold dear.   The Glutton's few clerics are all secretive cult leaders, for no gnomes would willingly allow worshipers of the Glutton into their burrows. They recruit new clerics from among the mad and the hopeless.   The Glutton's goals are straightforward enough that he doesn't send followers on quests. But the cults that act in his name might send adventurers on quests to acquire more evil power.   Cultists of the Glutton take his name literally when they pray, stuffing themselves with food as they make profane utterances to their evil deity.   The Glutton has no temples. His cultists meet wherever they can find a measure of secrecy.   Rites require a level of organization that the Glutton is uninterested in. If his cultists want a ceremony to perform, they have to create it themselves.   Carry a Big Stick: His favored weapon is a heavy mace. Cult: The Glutton is worshiped by a secretive cult who recruit from among the mad and the hopeless. Destroyer Deity: The Glutton is generally held responsible for any disasters that befall the gnomes, such as the collapse of a burrow. Forced Transformation: It is said that he used to be a gnome who was cursed to become a massive, ravenous badger or wolverine. Horror Hunger: The Glutton is cursed with a desire to consume the gnomes and all they hold dear. Our Werebeasts Are Different: Is associated with werebadgersnote . Fans often add werewolverines, aka "weregluttons", a fan-made Ravenloft therianthrope, to his list of followers. Villainous Glutton: The Glutton represents rapacious hunger, which his cultists emulate by stuffing their mouths with food while praying.



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