The Guild in the High Quarter

The High Quarter maintains only a small contingent of guild thieves, but what they lack in numbers they make up for in skill. Only a few of their number are ever active in the city; most are normally engaged on missions elsewhere in the Flanaess. These missions are generally guild-sponsored operations to relieve persons and governments of extraneous wealth, to acquire rare magical items or artifacts for parties prepared to pay for their extraction and delivery, or frequently as spies for the Directing Oligarchy. Guild membership in the High Quarter is believed to total no more than 20; all are thieves of level 8 or higher, all are literate and multilingual, and receive the very best in training, equipment and magical aid. It is rumored that the legendary "Shadow," a thief of at least 16th level and a master of disguise, who was recently responsible for the liberation of the Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty from the coffers of Niole Dra, is one of the High Quarter's guildmembers.

The operations of the High Quarter thieves are directed by the present Guildmaster, Org Nenshen.


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