The Guild in the Thieves' Quarter

Traditionally the driving force behind thieving activities m the Free City, the part of the Thieves' Guild operating in the Thieves' Quarter also takes responsibility for the training of apprentice thieves and the administration of the entire guild.

The Thieves' Guildhall (location T21) is a large, fortresslike building with a central courtyard and few windows facing the street. The building itself contains only dormitories and training rooms; the real business takes place below ground in the building's cellars and additional subterranean chambers. Here there is a library of maps and plans of the city (stolen from the Cartographers' Guild and the Architects' and Stonemasons' Guild), numerous private chambers and meeting rooms, a shrine to Kurell, and, of course, the heavily guarded and trapped Guild Treasury. Few guildmembers like to use the front gate; most of them gain access to headquarters by means of the secret entrances in neighboring buildings, in the sewers, or most commonly at the back of Zorbo's House of Fun and Devin Halfhock's Pawnshop.

There is also a small, select group of forgers based in the cellar of the Thieves' Guildhall who produce fake credit notes ostensibly issued by moneylenders in the cities of Dyvers, Radigast, Leukish or Admundfort. These documents are then insinuated into the city's economic system, sometimes through the Thieves' Guild's agents within the Merchants' and Traders' Union, or are sold directly at discount to less scrupulous members of the public.

The day-to-day administration of the Guildhall is undertaken by the present Master of the Thieves' Quarter, Sharyn Messandier.


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