The Knights of the Hart

The Knights of the Order of the Hart were founded long ago, during the early the time that Furyondy began allowing its vassal states their independence. The exact date of the order's founding is known to very few, since the order remained secret for decades. The central goal of this organization is to ensure that the three good-aligned Flanaess lands of Furyondy, Highfolk and Veluna retain their freedom, alliance, and purpose. The Knights of the Hart have no formal leaders, and each knight is free to act alone or with other knights as their conscience and honor direct. Traditionally, Ket was seen as a major threat to this alliance, but now Iuz is the greatest enemy.

Originally, the Knights were organized as a vanguard which could be ready at a moment's notice to fight for the three states, which had relatively weak armies without central command. Given that troop organization is much better after the lessons of war have been learned, the role of the Knights has changed somewhat. They retain their dedication to readiness to arms, but they are also concerned with diplomacy and trade.

In their protective role, the Knights of the Hart gather funds through all available sources to build defenses. These include castles, moats, stockades, palisade walls, watchtowers and whatever else can be afforded and is needed. They use their own personal contacts, the resources of lands they hold as personal fiefs, and some have even learned skills of trade to make money (see the entry for Lemajen Sterrich in From The Ashes, Campaign Book).

Diplomatically, they have a minor role in the Knightly Conclave in Chendl for the simple reason that they wish to keep a low profile as an organization, and they particularly do not wish to be seen as mere agents of the king. By contrast, the Knights are much more politically active in Veluna. They take part in state fundraising, and deal with powerful diplomats and priests, learning all they can from Velunese sages and scholars.

There are three branches of the Order of Knights of the Hart, as follows:

The three branches of the Knights of the Hart cooperate fully and are in constant communication, including long-distance magical communication between the most powerful members using specially attuned crystal balls with telepathy.

To become a Knight of the Hart, one must be invited by agreement of a majority of the relevant branch. A candidate must be a freeman or freewoman who has shown, by some heroic deed, his or her concern for the welfare of the states the Knights are dedicated to uphold and defend. Except for the Knights of Veluna, where some fighting priests have been accepted into the Order in recent years, the candidate must be a seasoned warrior (fighter, ranger or paladin). The large majority of Furyondy and Velunese Knights are human, but this just reflects the lack of demihumans in the native populations of these nations.

The “deed” must be impressive. It might be slaying a greater or true fiend, saving comrades against great odds, serving long and valorously during the war, or the like. Social status is not important, and membership is not limited to nobles. A poor but brave fighter becoming a Knight of the Hart often is offered service with a rich Knight, acting as a leader of household troops or in some similar capacity.

Knights of the Hart are scattered throughout Furyondy. The “Gazetteer” and “Characters” chapters include several. The agenda of the Knights is clear, and they act by their own lights in pursuing their goals.

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