The Stronghold of the Midlands

Proper Name: The Stronghold of the Midlands

Population: 5,000 (60% humans, 20% orc, 5% hobgoblin, 5% others.)

Ruler: Graf Demmel Tadurinal

Government: Dictatorship

Capital: None

Other Settlements: Ovzit (V), Zelosus (ST)

Resources: None

Religions: Iuz, Gruumsh, Ralisahz

Law: CE


Flanked by the Tangles and the northern stretch of the Artonsamay River, the Midlands are a broad expanse of plains that remain only lightly inhabited since the fall of the Combination to Iuz. Armies of orcs patrol these lands from the garrison in Kinemeet. With the exception of a few resourceful, free roaming bands of bandits, the orcs of Kinemeet have done an admirable job of purging the Midland plains of civilization. The only settlements that remain here cluster along the Artonsamay river and pay exorbitant sums to Rookroost for their own protection. Graf Demmel Tadurinal, who resides in posh accommodations in the city of Rookroost, governs the province. He is largely disinterested in the affairs of his charge, so long as his standing with Cranzer and Lord Mortoth of Rookroost remain unaffected.


Throughout history, the bandits of Midlands acted in concert with and against the armies of Rookroost, depending upon fortune and agreements between the local graf and the plar of the region’s capital. By 583 CY, the Midlands and Rookroost were allied. Iuz’s armies encountered staunch but ultimately pointless resistance on the Midlands fields. When the defenders fell, the route to the capital lay open. Most surviving forces were destroyed at Steelbone Meadows, and the temple has been razed. The region is now under the control of Kinemeet’s orcs, who usually answer to Graf Demmel Tadurinal (CE male human Priest of Iuz L8), a toadying cleric stationed in Rookroost. The graf also handles patrols along the Artonsamay.


Settlements and Locations within the Stronghold of the Midlands:




The people of the Midlands have considerable ties with the free city-state of Rookroost. The two acted in concert as often as not, but few feuds between them were lasting. The Plar of the Midlands, a warrior-priest of Hextor, ruled from a fortified stronghold in Ovzit, due south across the Artonosamay from Rookroost. The Plar most often accused of being a puppet of the Lord Mayor of the city-state, despite considerable ties to the Principality of Redhand in the south. Regardless, the Plar’s influence spread little further than the walls of Ovzit, and the land was largely lawless.


In 583 CY, the Midlands officially sided with Rookroost against invaders from Iuz. While the armies of Ovzit fought admirably, they were no match for the invaders, who’s numbers were swollen with Midlanders who sided with Iuz. The Plar and those loyal to him retreated to Rookroost, only to be betrayed by Baron Pernevi. Arrested, they were executed as traitors, their skulls sent to Dorakka. The temple of Hextor in Ovzit was razed, though the village there remains. The Midlanders who betrayed their former liege were in turn rewarded when they gathered beneath the banners of Iuz at Steelbone Meadows.


Bandit Kingdoms

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