Thievish Vocations

One of the favourite vocational classes in role playing has been the 'Thief'. However, this vocation has been badly abused.

Again, a distinction should be made between the vocation of 'Thief' and the occupation. To choose the vocation of Thief is to elect for proficiency in skills that enable one to engage in ‘shady’ behaviour even if he is not a 'thief' by occupation. For example, a character might follow the occupation of travelling minstrel and acquire skills like playing musical instruments. However, he chooses the vocation of 'Thief' to develop proficiency in skills enabling him to augment his living with what he might be able to 'pick up' here and there from 'good' citizens who are less than vigilant.

We all like to play a rogue from time to time and that is what a Thief is, a rogue living by his wits and trying to beat the system. However, the real 'secret' of being a proper Thief character is not to advertise it! “Oh, and what is your character?”is a common question, often answered by an offhand remark like, “I’m a really good Thief!”

Right! And in any society worth mentioning, he has just blown his cover. The last thing a Thief does is to reveal his vocation to anyone except for a few trusted friends and business associates. He is more likely to say, “Well, I’m a Mariner, if you want to know”, when he actually means he is a Pirate. All the rest of the world knows you as an honest and trustworthy seafaring man who is really handy on board a ship, and that is the way you like it. After all, in your case, that particular undetected lie a day keeps the gallows away!

All thievish characters receive the following basic Primary (Vocational) Skills. However, in addition each of the specialist types of thief has their own special areas of competence.

Basic Thieves 'Primary Skills (+10 to PSF%)1
Concealing and Finding
Any Underworld Lore
Detecting Thievery

1All Thief types may chose from these skills for Mastery.

Table Thieves Basic Skills

In addition to these basic skills common to almost anyone practising a thievery profession, the following skills are more specific to each group’s Mastery areas of special competence.

Articles under Thievish Vocations


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