Underdark Deities Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Underdark Deities

Dark God, god of Eternal Darkness, Cold, Decay, Enfeeblement, and Paralysis.

Elder Elemental God, god of Elemental Forces and Magic.

Great Mother, deity of Beholders, Magic, Fertility, and Tyranny.

Gzemnid, god of Beholders, Gases, and Fogs.

Ilsensine, god of Illithids, Mental Domination and Magic.

Ilxendren, god of the Ixzan.

Maanzecorian, god of Illithids, Knowledge, and Philosophy.

Patient One, god of Aberrations.

Piscaethces, goddess of Aboleths, Domination and Oppression.

Psilofyr, god of Myconids, Community, Healing, and Philosophy.


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