
Valarian, god of Good Magical Beasts.

Called the Dusk Unicorn, Valarian is a god of the forests and its creatures, friendly to Ehlonna and Obad-Hai. His particular domain is good-aligned magical beasts: unicorns, blink dogs, and pegasi in particular. Some lammasus and androsphinxes revere him as well. He is always portrayed as a unicorn stallion with a silvery-gray coat that shimmers with moonlight.

Valarian teaches the protection of natural woodlands and proper respect and reverence for the good-aligned magical beasts that dwell in them. He is a fierce enemy of evil magical beasts such as manticores, worgs, and chimeras, and he particularly despises lamias. His symbol is the silhouette of a unicorn rampant in front of a full moon.



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