
A classic AD&D villain revamped for 5e. Originally a close friend of Strongheart the paladin, the Warduke became the paladin's archenemy when exposed to a magical item called the Heartstone, which brought Warduke's cruel nature to the fore. He is a close ally of a woman named Skylla, an evil wizard. Warduke is loved by one woman, a formerly good cleric named Raven, and hated by another, a good cleric named Mercion. He works under the evil Sorcerer Kelek, but he and Skylla plan to overthrow him once all the good fighters are defeated.


Warduke came to prominence after the Greyhawk Wars, spreading terror among the soldiers, fighting societies, and mercenaries of the Flanaess to the Barrier Peaks. Warduke was quickly recruited by the Horned Society to aid in their rebuilding, and was eventually made a leader of the organisation himself. Thanks to striking many deals with otherwordly fiends, Warduke has amassed a formidable assortment of magical weapons and armors.


Warduke's Helm.


This bat-winged helm has three rubies mounted on the faceplate and shrouds the wearer’s face in shadow, making it all but impossible to see it. The only thing that can be seen from within the helm is the wearer’s eyes, which glow a baleful red. Wearing the helm confers the following benefits: Darkvision 60 ft. and Advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks. The central ruby acts as a ring of spell storing, able to store up to 6 levels worth of spells at a time. It functions exactly the same as a ring of spell storing. Warduke usually has a word of recall spell stored in the gem.


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