Wolf Lord Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Wolf Lord

The Wolf Lord, like the Cat Lord, Hawk Lord, Camel Lord, Lizard Lord, and many others, is one of the Animal Lords found on the Beastlands. He acts as the master of lupines on that plane. Should the current Wolf Lord ever be slain, another wolf will rise up in his place to become the next Wolf Lord.   The Wolf Lord takes the appearance of a teenage boy with sharp, lupine features and an intelligent face. He has the ability to take on the form of a great gray wolf as well, which is as much his natural form as anything else.   The Wolf Lord is allied with the wind-god Telchur.   Although neutral in alignment, the Wolf Lord is cunning and wily, sometimes even brutal. This is not out of malice, but simply due to the nature of wolves. The Wolf Lord seeks to protect the lupine species at all costs. He is pragmatic, and will slay individual wolves in order to protect greater numbers of them.


Wolf Lord


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