Knights of Holy Shielding


The head of the Knights of Holy Shielding is the Knight Commander, who leads the Order in all matters. The Knight Commander is traditionally the Earl of Walworth, the Shield lands province containing the nation's capital, Admundfort. Following the Knight Commander are a number of Knights Bannerette. These knights have served the Order with valor and distinction, therefore earning the right of bearing their own banners into battle. These knights are often titled and landed as well. They command battalions of the Order's knights, and advise and report to the Knight Commander.   Knights make up the next level of the order, and may be addressed as "Sir" or "Lady." Knights who hold their own lands are known as vassal knights, while those who don't are known as knights-errant. These are the most commonly-encountered knights of the Order.   Squires are junior knights who have yet to swear their oaths, and therefore are not considered official members of the Order. They usually serve the higher ranks as grooms, servants, and assistants.   Pages are usually promising youths assigned to assist squires, often performing the most menial of chores, which serve to teach lessons in humility that serve them well later in life.


The Knights of Holy Shielding were organized in the mid-300s CY in order to defend the multitude of small domains and their rulers in the regions north of the Nyr Dyv.

We are the shield bearers of Heironeous. Honor is our conscience. Valor is our blood. We uphold the law. And protect what is right. We offer all that we are in the service of the Shield Lands for as long as we draw breath!

Alternative Names
Shield Knights
Parent Organization