Session 15: Trouble in the Free City

General Summary

The party marched with Marzena in company back to Diamond Lake, and found the town eerily quiet. Allustan reported no further cult activity since they escaped, and when Vin rendezvoued with them she said that her uncle suspected cultists were using his warehouse in the docks of the Free City. The gang contemplated that the cult might have relocated, their cover in Diamond Lake blown, and the wizard led them along the road to Greyhawk.   Along the way, they met some trolls who tried to hire them to beat up some other adventurers, and heard gossip about a fighting tournament called the Champion's Belt, which would be starting soon. They also heard a man yelling on the street about apocalypses, worms, and dead dragons, but he wouldn't stop his rant for anything.   The party ran a few errands, then convened in the docks district to survey the warehouse.


8th of Wealsun, 595 CY

  • 10:00 AM:The party rendezvous in Diamond Lake but find the town quiet, the cultists fled. Vin tells them the Ebon Triad have a cell beneath her uncle's warehouse in the Free City, and the party leaves to investigate.
  • Travel 1/4: Uneventful.

9th of Wealsun, 595 CY

  • Travel 2/4: Uneventful

10th of Wealsun, 595 CY

  • Travel 3/4: Uneventful

11th of Wealsun, 595 CY

  • Travel 4/4: The party meet two trolls who ask them to kill Auric's Warband for them.

12th of Wealsun, 595 CY

  • 2:00 PM:The party arrives in the Free City amidst a parade for the opening of the Champion's Games. They do some errands in town before convening at the Warehouse.
Age of Worms I
Report Date
12 Sep 2021