Session 21: Trouble in the Sewers

General Summary

The party decided to take a long rest before going forward. During her watch, Lins noticed something odd about the secret passage that drow fled down - there were tracks! Tracks made of a common fungus called Beggar's Gold. The party knew it well, it thrived in mineral runoff from foundries and forges. Very common in Diamond Lake - but what was it doing here?   They followed the tracks into the old sewers, where Vin found some secret marks guiding them forward through the maze of pipes and service tunnels. Eventually, the party found a cave system connecting to a lower level of sewers. Upon trying to enter, they accidentally alerted some Shriekers, and though they burned them quickly, the damage had been done.   The party cautiously moved forward, but got ambushed by Drow, who set the oil at their feet alight and trapped them in darkness. The party eventually located their hiding spot and scrambled up, turning two of them into paste while the third quaffed an invisibility potion and fled.   The party's attempts to roadblock failed, and they pursued the drow into a larger cave with a pool, near which lay a massive Spirit Naga. Charmed by its magical vision, Vin, Sigvurd, and Lins began offering up their magic items and valuables as compensation for the offense of disturbing it, while Nemara looked on in confusion and panic.   She shook Vin out of it but the Naga countered by Dominating the wizard completely, and commanding her to hurt Nemara as badly as she could. Nermara took massive damage, and combat broke out.   Partway through combat, more drow arrived to take advantage of the chaos. But occupied as they were with the naga, the party once again could not prevent one drow from fleeing when the tides of battle turned. The Naga absconded with a good part of the party's offered treasure, but Vin recognized its spell and realized it couldn't be more than 500 feet away. The party had a peek at the Naga's other treasures before moving on, swearing to recover their valuables, as well as Vin's captured family.

Rewards Granted

-greataxe of cold   -wand w/blue and black bands   -Filge's Spellbook   -Box of Jewelery   -Flasks of Holy Water     + nothing, but there's some loot in the naga's pool...
Age of Worms I
Report Date
14 Sep 2021