Suel (Sool)

The Suloise People came to the Flanaess from the fallen Suel Imperium as part of the Great Migrations following the Twin Cataclysms. Though people of Suel descent can be found nearly anywhere in the Flanaess, notable lands that contain a significant number of Suel include the Thillonrian Peninsula, the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Lordship of the Isles, the Sea Barons, the Sheldomar Valley, and the Urnst States.   The Lendore Isles were once home to a large contingent of Suel, but most humans have been expelled from that land since the cult of Sehanine Moonbow gained control after the Greyhawk Wars.   The Suel Imiperium stood in what is now the Sea of Dust, the result of the Twin Cataclysms which felled both the Imperium and its northern neighbour, the Baklunish empire. Survivors of the Cataclysms fled east during the Great Migrations, settling across the Flanaess.   Those who settled in the north adopted a culture much different from their imperial ancestors. Suel who live on the coasts of the Icy Sea control its waters with swift ships and strong holds.  


Those with Suloise ancestry inherit pale skin, with albinism being more common than other ethnicities. Hair colors range from ash-blond to ginger, while eye colors are often violet, grey, or blue.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

South: Linde, Sigune, Ishilde, Alda, Elfrun, Aristea, Ottilia, Raina, Alwine, Diomira North: Hilde, Runa, Estrid, Alof, Siv, Freydis, Valgerd, Svala, Frida, Signy

Masculine names

South: Farald, Ottmar, Elric, Dietger, Luitwin, Ivo, Volkhard, Lothar, Sieger, Everard North: Vebrand, Nikolas, Skuli, Fridgeir, Thorir, Sven, Hallfred, Thord, Ornolf, Arnthor

Family names

North Baklunish family names denote the person's parent, appending either -dottir (for a female child) or -sson (for a male child). The parent's name is most commonly the father's, but may be the mother's if the child has no father, if the father was dishonored, or if the mother surpassed the father in fame. For children with two fathers, a portmanteau of the names is common.


Common Dress code

Suloise fashion favors solid colors, with parti-colored garments marking higher social station. Emblems, tokens, or similar affectations (typically in hues contrasting their clothes), often mark status or affiliation with ancient Suel houses and traditions. The ancient Suel often wore loose-fitting pantaloons covered by a baggy blouse, but their fashion has adapted to various climes in the centuries following the Great Migrations.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Suloise pantheon is composed of sixteen deities covering all domains.
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