Church of Wee Jas

"I've great respect for the Ruby Temple. When Robin died, they were the ones who eased his sufferin'. Saw to the funeral for me too, and a beautiful affair it was. I'm sure he's resting easy in the next world, thanks to them." - Old Woman Saoirse
Wee Jas is the Suel goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. Her symbol is a skull in front of a fireball, or just a red skull. Wee Jas always appears as a highly attractive human female; other than that, details of her appearance vary wildly. It has been suggested that she could appear as another humanoid race if she so wished, and that her appearance varies by what her followers in the area would consider most attractive. Wee Jas normally wears her holy symbol as a piece of jewelry.

Mythology & Lore

Wee Jas is believed to be the stewardess of the dead, who brings them from the mortal coil to their afterlives. The following myths and stories are circulated about Wee Jas:   The Arcane Well. This myth claims that Wee Jas is secretly a greater goddess, the majority of her divine power hidden in a magical well. Although this is supposedly a secret held from the greater gods themselves, mortal followers of Wee Jas all seem confident of the tale's veracity. The well is said to be somewhere within the Stern Lady's realm in Acheron, guarded by powerful servitors and at least one bound demigod. Great wizards are said to be born with a drop of power from the well granted them by the Witch Goddess.   The Hellfurnaces. Legend has it that the first argument between Wee Jas and Norebo caused the southern Crystalmist Mountains to erupt into flame, creating the Hellfurnaces.   The Abominable Devastation. This short story is largely considered heretical except to the Jas'parta. It tells a version of history in which Wee Jas deliberately removed the defenses of the Suel Imperium, leaving them vulnerable to the Rain of Colorless Fire in punishment for their sins against magic.

Cosmological Views

Followers of Wee Jas believe in predestination in regards to death. Opinions on raising dead vary among denominations, but most won't refuse to rescue an injured or ill person from death's grasp. If a person's time is up, they believe no mortal would be able to prevent death from claiming them.   The moment of death is a source of much interest within the Church of Wee Jas. Clerics of this church teach that when a soul transitions from life to death, it releases a great deal of magical energy.   According to this religion, those who don't worship any single deity with any particular devotion go to Wee Jas by default after they die. She keeps them in her realm for a time before reincarnating some of them, memories of their former lives wiped clean.

Tenets of Faith

Each sect of Wee Jas' clergy adds one additional tenet to these core tenets.
  • Do not run from death. Immortality is impossible. Seek it not, and go peacefully to the Lady's guiding hand.
  • Respect the dead. The dead must not be disrespected or abused, and nothing may be done to their bodies unless they consented to it while alive.
  • Eschew mortal possessions. Do not hoard wealth or material possessions - you can't take them with you.


  • Undeath is an abomination. Seek and destroy undeath wherever it exists. Do not create undead or otherwise prevent a soul from travelling to its afterlife.


  • Seek a greater understanding of death. The lawful and consenting use of corpses and even undead to gain a greater understanding of death and the soul is a worthy pursuit.


  • Comfort the grieving. Those who suffer a loss should be given time, patience, care, and compassion. Shield them from those who would abuse their pain.


Depending on denomination, undeath may be a privilege, a utility, or a taboo. However, in all cases, making an undead from an unwilling soul is disallowed, and graverobbing or otherwise disrespecting a burial site is likewise forbidden.


Wee Jas' temples are often crypts or mausoleums. The clergy often also tends the local graveyard. Some temples, especially those run by Seekers, may also have facilities for magical and anatomical study of death.   A waxing moon is considered a time of powerful magic. Clerics may light candles or bonfires and make sacrifices to Wee Jas on these nights, hoping to gain the goddess' favour and share in her power. Among seekers and churches with a focus on magical study, important experiments are often scheduled for waxing moons to increase spell efficacy.


Followers of Wee Jas are known as Jasidin, and are most commonly known for their part in funerals and end-of-life care. Because of Wee Jas' role in guiding souls to the afterlife, her clergy often assists in funerals and tending the dying. They can often be found tending crypts, boneyards, funerals, and hospices. They do not plead with their goddess on behalf of the dying person, but they do attend their needs and try to ensure a comfortable and dignified passing. They also protect the dead from becoming undead.   As a neutral and lawful goddess, followers of Wee Jas are also called on as neutral parties to arbitrate disagreements. They are divided in their beliefs around undeath, however.   The vestments of the Ruby Temple are multilayered hooded robes in shades of grey and black. The hood includes a veil that covers the eyes - a tribute to the blind goddess. Priestly clothing tends toward the austere, but may include decorations with symbols of skulls or red gems, especially rubies.   Wee Jas' sacred weapon is a dagger, but holy warriors who fight in her name often use staves, as well.


Worship of Wee Jas is split between three interpretations of her dogma. These sects disagree on the best way to serve Wee jas, and each considers the others heretical.


This denomination focuses on fighting and preventing undeath. Paladins and clerics alike of this denomination actively seek out undeath in order to destroy them and set the souls free. They revile necromancers and especially liches, and refuse to raise dead regardless of circumstances.


Seekers emphasize magic and magical research and understanding death. Clerics of this denomination may even become liches in order to better understand death and undeath. This is considered a special honor, and the Lich status is permitted only to very high-ranking and devoted clerics.


This denomination focuses on end-of-life care. They believe in dignity in dying, and that everyone deserves a peaceful passage from the mortal realm. As such, they work commonly as death doulas and grief counsellors. Their holy warriors also help the families of people who died a violent death achieve closure.


The vestments of the Ruby Temple are multilayered hooded robes in shades of grey and black. The hood includes a veil that covers the eyes - a tribute to the blind goddess. Priestly clothing tends toward the austere, but may include decorations with symbols of skulls or red gems, especially rubies.   Wee Jas' sacred weapon is a dagger, but holy warriors who fight in her name often use staves, as well.
Divine Domain(s)
Death, Grave, Arcane
Spiritual Weapon
Alternative Names
The Ruby Temple
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Church of Wee Jas