Cernunnos Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Cernunnos (Sur-noon-ose)

(a.k.a. the Oakhart, Príomhaval)

The centaurfolk of Dreadwood are a private and reclusive group. They are fiercely independant and territorial, brooking no interference from outsiders. Even the elves who are their allies do not dare intrude uninvited. When roused to a common cause however, they make potent allies. Among their leadership are stalwart champions of frightening martial prowess and mysterious druids who have mastered ancient primordial magics.
  Even rarer still, are those known as the Actaeon; sometimes called elk centaurs or stag centaurs. These extrodinarily rare and blessed creatures are rumored to have originated in the Feywild, though others believe they are half-divine avatars of nature itself. Whatever their origin, whenever an actaeon appears, it portends great events for good or ill about to ensue.
  The only actaeon known to have appeared outside the Dreadwood in at least the last thirty years was a large stag known as Cernunnos, who represented the centaurfolk of the Dreadwood Summer Court at the re-coronation of the Moor King in the Black Willow Court. Other actaeon are known to exist in present day but have not been seen outside the Dreadwood. Besides Cernunnos, the names Loceros and Cervinae have been mentioned in passing.
  Cernunnos is a physically inimidating creature with the tall and powerful build of a majestic elk coupled with the torso of a humanoid in peak condition. A creature of few words, he exudes a stolid and reassuring presence that reminds one of standing in the shade of a deeply rooted, ancient oak tree. Unlike an ancient oak, however, he can explode into action with frightening speed and power.
  Cernunnos is said to be very old, his age numbered in centuries, and he has little patience for those who would waste his time with idle chatter or unimportant matters. The machinations of men mean little to him, except when they intrude upon the territory of his people or their peaceful existence.
Chaotic Good
Male Hart/Bull
Vibrant, emerald green.
Shoulder-length, shaggy dark brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Russet brown coat, darkening to nearly black on his legs and forearms.
12+' including antlers
1440 lbs


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