Clan Foehammer Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Clan Foehammer

Many, many generations ago, in the dark recesses of the Underdark, an ideological civil war erupted among the duergar of the city of Òrd-Heirach. Following the discovery and subsequent spreading of a heretical tome called the “Dictates of Dumathoin”, several clans within the city began to express dissatisfaction with the primal doctrine of supremacy and utilitarianism. Where was the appreciation for craft and artistry? Where was the desire to uncover new secrets and to find meaning in the daily grind of life? This ancient tome recalled impossible places where the caverns had no ceilings and life held more satisfaction than this stark existence.   The elite taighs (houses) among the ruling class, secure in their positions, engaged in a war to purge such blasphemy. Life to these elite was about strength, toil, and determination; artistry and satisfaction were the frivolous weaknesses of undisciplined minds. One particular clan, the Òrd-Àbharsair, refused to be “re-educated”, striking back at the most powerful taighs with shocking ferocity. With the city reeling, Òrd-Àbharsair collapsed their own stronghold and escaped Òrd-Heirach in the confusion. Satisfied to be rid of the dissidents and unnerved by their display of fierce, newly-awakened passion, the taighs offered no pursuit.   The dwarves of Òrd-Àbharsair claimed the old name of “grey dwarves” and forever after eschewed any association with the duergar. To this day, they consider the word “duergar” to be a grave insult. The clan established a new settlement near the surface and translated the clan name from the ancient dwarven dialect to the more modernized “Clan Foehammer”. Under this new roofless expanse, the clan soon found a world full of monsters no less dangerous than those they had left behind in the Underdark. Thus was formed the Urraidhean Dorrachas, the “Elite Darkness”, so named because of their willingness to embrace that which they seek to destroy.   Over the centuries, the dwarves of Clan Foehammer have mixed with their surface brethren in the Principality of Ulek to the point that half-bloods are now much more common than full-blooded grey dwarves. Having rejected the doctrine of superiority espoused by the duergar, this intermingling is almost a point of pride for the grey dwarves. As a result, grey dwarves are much hardier than their wiry Underdark kin, with darker beards and ruddier complexions. In fact, they are often mistaken for hill dwarves, though true duergar would know them by sight and would consider them "impure".

Naming Traditions

Family names

A dwarf's full name can be broken down into several component parts:
  • Familial name: This name is only used by immediate family. Such names often describe personalities or traits. "Eonach", for example, is the commonized version of the ancient dwarven word “iongach”, which means “clawed one”.
  • Virtue name: This is used by outsiders and non-clan members and might include an associated article. For example, an’Broc would be introduced simply as "Broc" and is the old dwarven word for badger.
  • Surname: “Mac” means “son of”, so MacGhealach would translate literally to Son of Ghealach. Ghealach itself means “moon-touched”
  • Clan name: This is the archaic form of the modern day name of one’s clan. Membership to one’s clan is included in the full proper name of a dwarf who is declaring him or herself formerly to another dwarf or clan. Òrd-Àbharsair translates as the more commonly used “Foehammer”.
  Depending on his or her audience, a dwarf of Clan Foehammer could introduce themselves by any number of names, from simply their virtue name to their full proper name. As an example, Broc would call himself Broc Foehammer to non-dwarves, and Broc MacGhealach to other dwarves.
Patriarch: Feiusach Geall MacGhashgach, whose name means "White Bearded". Also referred to as the Cullach.
Eldest Heir: Shallachae Dearga MicFeiusach, whose name means "Red Hunter". Daughter of Geall and Dàrnach of the Urraidhean Dorrachas.
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