Dobhar-chú Species in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The dobhar-chu, also referred to as the otterfolk, dhuragoo, dorraghower, or dobarcu, is thought to be a form of amphibious predator . The dobhar-chu were initially mistaken as a sort of wolf-fish hybrid when they were first encountered by a group of dwarven river-traders. Dobhar-Chu, when translated from old dwarven, literally means water hound. When it was later revealed that these creatures were, in fact, highly intelligent cousins to river otters, the name had already gained lengendary status. Seeing benefit in claiming the myth as their own, the otterfolk claimed the name for use among the "dryskins".   The otterfolk generally keep to themselves, but when encountered are quite friendly and loquacious. They are fully aware that humans and other humanoid species see their smaller otter cousins as "cute", "harmless", and mostly unintelligent. As such, while they are certainly not duplicitous by nature, the dobhar-chu are more than willing to let humanoids underestimate them with the same biases.

Basic Information


Described as being anywhere from 5 - 10 feet in length, with sleek black, brown, or grey fur, the dobhar-chu resemble large bipedal otters when seen up close. They have voracious apetites and are lightning fast both in and out of water. The otterfolk generally prefer to use their razor sharp teeth and claws in confrontations, but are fully capable of weilding weapons if pressed.

Ecology and Habitats

The dobhar-chu are generally a private people, but can be found hunting the rivers and lakes of the Dreadwood, Salinmoor, and Hool Marshes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dobhar-chu subsist primarily on fish, bivalve mulluscs, and crustaceans, but have been known to feed on other terrestrial game, fruit, or certain vegetation when neccessary. The otterfolk generally prefer to eat their food raw, but will do their best to be accomodating when in the company of other species who have "weak stomachs". Cooking only serves to make food bland and tasteless, which humans cover up by using spices. It is silly behavior from the perspective of the dobhar-chu, who appreciate their meals in the way they were meant to be appreciated.
Scientific Name
Pteronura brasiliensis
30 years
Average Height
5 - 6 feet tall when standing
Average Length
6 - 10 feel long from head to tail


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