Father Saberht Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Father Saberht

Father Saberht

Father Saberht is the bastard son of a paladin order St. Cuthbert's Vox Tonitrui, more commonly known as the Order of the Voice of Thunder or simply the Order of Thunder. Hundreds of years ago, a Cuthbertian paladin known as Sir Eidon helped a clan of storm giants in a time of dire need. In thanks for his service, the storm giant shamans blessed him and his line with echoes of their own inherent gifts. These offspring would grow to be larger and stronger than normal humans, a reminder of their kinship with the storm giants. As these descendants matured throughout their lives, many would also come to manage a small measure of control over the crackling lightning and rumbling thunder that coursed through their veins like a distant tempest.   Father Sahbert was certainly no exception, but had not been blessed with as much of his father's size as many of those in the Order of Thunder. These so-called "runts" of the lineage were still welcomed eagerly into another of St. Cuthbert's retributive orders, however. The Order of Clarion Hammer represents the most feared and respected sect of war clerics to serve in St. Cuthbert's name. These doughty priests are bent on delivering "penance" to those deemed "worthy" by the archbishop of the faith.

A towering overweight jovial fellow. Works as a priest to St Cuthbert.

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325 lbs

Once bitten twice shy baby!

I don't think this is going to end well. I am hairy enough and I hate dogs! I can't live with being a flea ridden canine. Maybe no one saw me get bitten? I am sure if I clean the wound and pray, I will be fine? Help!

Life in the Bayou

This swamp life sucks! What in the name of St Cuthbert did I do to deserve this penance?


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