Lachimi Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Bullfather, Hapis Salin, Kusarikku, Mosairu, Great Sker, Thathánka)

Legends say that Lachimi is the father of all modern aurochs, buffaloes, bisons and other bovine creatures.

Physical Description

Body Features

Lachimi appears to be a gargantuan water buffalo but with several notable differences. He possesses incredibly large horns that have forked into at least three branches. Lachimi also has algae and grasses covering much of his back and head, probably due to spending much of his time submerged in or under water. This excess of foliage causes Lachimi to easily camouflage himself as a small hillock or atoll among the marshlands and moorlands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to popular myth, Lachimi was the son of the first bovines Itherther and Thamuatz. After a close encounter with early humans, or "two-feets", Lachimi was given advice by an ant who explained to him how the world worked. The ant said that if Lachimi wanted a comfortable but short life, he would have to live with and serve the two-feets. If he wanted a long life with the freedom to be his own master, he could live wild but would always be hungry. Lachimi chose freedom and roamed the world, seeing all there was to see.   Many years later, having seen all the animals of the world in their plentitude and variety, Lachimi returned home with the desire to create his own progeny. Lacking a mate with which to accomplish this, he spoke again with the ant who told Lachimi that he could mate with his mother and sisters. Lachimi did so, but Itherther was furious when he found out. The father and son locked horns in a titanic battle that spanned continents and that lasted a generation. When Itherther was fatally wounded and died, Lachimi was cast out by his family to once again wander the world alone.   From Lachimi's mother and sisters were born herds of buffalo, bison, aurochs, and other bovines, one species from each. Years passed, Lachimi grew older and wiser, and the descendents of his first progeny spread across all the lands. As he wandered among them, he found them cold, hungry and suffering. Lachimi remembered the advice of the ant and realized that his children might be happier to have short but comfortable lives among the two-feets. Lachimi took the herds to where the livestock farmers lived. His children were welcomed and from then on, mortalkind kept bovine cattle.
Divine Classification
Buffalo Spirit
True Neutral
Pools of bottomless black eternity.
Dark brown and black underside. Green vegetation on the back.
28' at the hump of the back.
16 tons


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