Reynauld Aratarian Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Reynauld Aratarian

Lord Reynauld is the primary administrator of the Overwatch settlement. He serves as a sort of governor and magistrate in the absense of his companions, which is often. Formerly a rogue and scoundrel of no small repute, Reynauld was a bit of a black sheep among his elven relations but has recently grown into his new role out of necessity. When the rest of the Overwatch turned to him for answers in a time of crisis while the other Lords were away, Reynauld rose to bear the administrative burden and found that the accompanying trappings of power suited him well.   In addition to his more mundane tasks, Reynauld has established an intricate network of spies throughout the Salinmoor, the members of which can identify each other by bird-themed code names (i.e. Kestrell, O'Sprey, Nestor, Perry Gryn). Reynauld also owns Trevor's Place, which he uses to funnel information into and out of the Overwatch through his man Trevor "Seaworthy" MacAnally. Little happens in the region without Reynauld's knowledge or indirect intervention.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reynauld and the other "Lords of the Overwatch" were responsible of liberating the region from the White Tusk Orcs, who had been using the old fortress as a staging area for raids. In response to this routing of the dangerous raiders and the foiling of an assassination plot against the young, orphaned viscount, Reynauld and companions were granted honorary knighthoods under the Viscounty of Salinmoor.


Contacts & Relations

Reynauld is a cousin of Sir Wolf-Deitrich of Axewood.
Current Status
Governing the Overwatch
Current Location
Current Residence
Castle Overwatch
Dark blue
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Corellon Larethian


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