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Sir Pelliton

Sir Gregorius Pelliton (a.k.a. The Star Knight)

Sir Pelliton was a self-titled knight of the Barony of Seaton who led a small order of likeminded individuals known as the Knights of the Three Roses. Under his leadership the order came to be associated with pettiness, entitlement, and cruelty. Never truely deserving of the title of "knight", he instead achieved his position through manipulation, murder, and fell pacts with unnamed dark forces. In reality, Pelliton was a warlock whose patron has never been revealed and whose hidden agenda can only be guessed at.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As part of his plot to seize control of the Barony of Seaton, Sir Pelliton struck a bargain with the White Tusk orc clan. He manipulated them into assassinating the Duke and kidnapping his heir in reciprocation for wrongs done to them that Pelliton either exaggerated or fabricated. Pelliton, meanwhile, assumed the role of the Duke's brother whom he had murdered, and stepped in to fill the void of leadership. Had the plan succeeded, Sir Pelliton would have assumed the role of the new Duke permanently, playing two roles until such time as he could reasonably pass power from his disguise as the "false" Duke to himself as Sir Pelliton.   The plot was uncovered by a delegation of champions who had been sent from Saltmarsh to the capital to look into the kiddnapping of the Baron's son, the true heir to the Barony. These champions would later come to be known as the Lords of the Overwatch. Against the odds, the delegation from Saltmarsh defeated the White Tusk Clan and rescued the young heir to the Barony. Having lost control of the situation, Sir Pelliton rallied a large assault force under the banner of Seaton while in his guise as the interim Duke. He sought to eradicate the young heir, the heros from Saltmarsh, and any potential witnesses to his subterfugre in one fell swoop.   Word had gotten out, however, and a small number of forces rallied to cause of the young "true" Baron of Seaton. During the Battle of the Overwatch, the false Duke was unmasked as Sir Pelliton and his troops saw him for what he truely was. Slain by the combined efforts of those who would soon become the Lords of Overwatch, thus was ended both the political machinations and the life of Sir Gregorius Pelliton. His order destroyed and plots now exposed pthe would-be tyrant is now no more than a footnote of failure in the history books. His origins, how he came to be in Seaton, and the identity of his dark patron may never be revealed. Whatever secrets he had left, Sir Pelliton took them to his grave.
Knights of the Three Roses
Circumstances of Death
Slain in the Battle of Overwatch
Bald, with a black beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
211 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Orcish, Suloise


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